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Jawbreaker was made by Tigervision in 1982. in my opinion, Tigervision made the nicest looking housings for the 2600. The cartridge housings were color, kind of like what Atari Age is now selling! Jawbreaker came in a red housing and has a beautiful glossy label.

Jawbreaker is another Pac-man type game, as many were back in those days! However, Jawbreaker has some unique traits. First of all, it has EXCELLENT graphics. If someone ever tells you that the 2600 has sucky graphics, show em' this game. Insteaf of Ghosts chasing you, there are spinning heads. Each head is a different color. Instead of going around on a "maze" like pac-man, there are horizontal lines, like on Turmoil. The heads go across the screen horizontally, and can wrap around the screen. You need to get the dots and avoid the heads. There are also little escape holes that move through the lines (they move back and forth)

There is a "power pill" that appears in the center of the screen from time to time. When you eat the heads, it makes a neat little noise. (this game has excellent sound effects)

Anyway, so you have to eat all the dots. After you complete a level, you get a little "cartoon" of a toothbrush coming to brush your teeth. (eating all those heads can cause cavities)


Overall, if you like pac-man type games, i highly suggest this one. Not only does it have an impressive housing, it's fun to play, has great graphics, gameplay, and sound effects.

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I agree, Tigervision carts have ALWAYS been my favorite ever since I first saw Jawbreaker and KingKong.. Im lucky enough to have all of em:) the colors are awsome.. I use to paint cars for a living and have a good eye for color.. the ornge, red, and blue is awsome shades.. somthing about em,, they look good enough to eat:) and the artwork was always tastefull and 'fun'

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