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4Pac help needed!

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hi guys... i need some axxkicking in terms of motivation etc... just to let you know i am >30 years old and working as prof. marketing manager in the game & software biz so i have very limited time for coding...


so to bring the project further (which i really want to finish...) i would need help...


- coding wise

- game design wise...


xray helped me regarding music soundtrack and maze design was done by someone else and gfx title screen by mr. dracon...


anybody here to help?


- xasm & atari800win are the dev system...

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Heaven hi guys... i need some axxkicking in terms of motivation etc... just to let you know i am >30 years old and working as prof. marketing manager in the game & software biz so i have very limited time for coding
Hi Heaven. Don't give up ! We're all really looking forward to the release of new projects like 4pac. I may be able to help you with the game design but unfortunately my 6502 coding skills are not good enough yet as I have forgotten a lot being away from 6502 for a while although, I am quickly getting back into it. I have been planning some projects myself which I will post soon. Hopefully will inspire you at least ! There are so many unfinished projects already like IK+, Space Harrier conversion, and the 3D game based on the numan engine ( I forget the name) and of course Analmuxs' Mario is WIP too. You've really gotta make time for your hobbies ;) I am 31 and run two companies, I work 12-14 hours a day min with the horrors of PCs and Microsoft :( Coding is fun :) and working with the Atari is too. Keep some time aside, there's nothing more rewarding in coding than finishing what you set out to achive


:) Tezz

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Heaven hi guys... i need some axxkicking in terms of motivation etc... just to let you know i am >30 years old and working as prof. marketing manager in the game & software biz so i have very limited time for coding
I am 31 and run two companies


yeah, I'm 32 and between job and night studies I dont have a lot of spare time either, but always I try to make time for the atari.


6502 never ever I learned that well for a full development, however in game design, project managment I may help, but I'd like to read more about this project.


I remember the same was talked with the 3d game based in numen and I got the book about software engineering for games...



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Heaven: 4PAC for "4KB compo" ?!? When is there the deadline ?


Only G2F picture could take at least 7 kb together with music, etc. it would be quite really big stuff.... :P SO it doesn't seem to fit into "4 KB" rule...


I thought you were going to finish this as standalone game without any limitation and with MULTIJOY support... :roll:

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i need heavy pressure... ;)


so i thought why not 4kb compo... ;)


later i'll do the 16k version inkl. more mazes, multijoy & g2f & xray musix (and the 400/800 version for the "real" 4 joystick version)


ha... better idea... i could take my game whirlwind and squeeze it into 4kb instead... ;) emkay made some g2f research for this game and some nice gfx.... maybe i'll take this... 8)


genau... das mache ich...

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so to bring the project further (which i really want to finish...) i would need help...

- coding wise

hey, could you be more detailed about your request ?

Let us know what do you need in particural as maybe some alive coders could help you (esp. TeBe) !!!

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tmr, thanks for offer... what about a nice highscore table? like f.e. bounty bob strikes back or enchanted land? and i personally like kind of "prompter" approach which means chars flying to their desired position... i have started months ago a 1st test (because you need kind of fixed point maths to calc the slopes) but it was kind of buggy (or my bresenham algo...)

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tmr' date=' thanks for offer... what about a nice highscore table? like f.e. bounty bob strikes back or enchanted land? and i personally like kind of "prompter" approach which means chars flying to their desired position... i have started months ago a 1st test (because you need kind of fixed point maths to calc the slopes) but it was kind of buggy (or my bresenham algo...)[/quote']


Hmm, never been a fan of that kind of table - d'you want me to code it or what? =-)


(Back at home and nearly converted Lunar Blitz to the A8, by the way... =-)

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yeah... lunar blitz... i spend some time in researching the code but for you its easier to recode the c64 engine... i can't wait to see what kind of atari chips you have used... i guess the rasters can be done nicer... ;)


btw. 4mat's new vic intro is brilliant!

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