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Hummer commercial


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By the way I was referring to how much money Atari must have received for the permission to allow one of their copyrights (Asteriods) to be placed in a commercial for the Hummer commercial. The lack of being able to edit posts meant that I was not able to fix that sentence to have it make more sense.

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I would like to know what possible justification there is for a civilian to own -- and drive on city streets -- a Humvee... beyond the fact that it is just carrying the big-SUV-as-status-symbol mentality to its logical extreme.


my feelings exactly...






Why does anyone need to jusify why they like a vehicle?


I felt the ignorance rubbing off from reading that website. "The H2 is a death machine if you collide with one in your economy car." Chances are your Yugo will be toast no matter what you collide with. We'd better ban ALL suv's, trucks, and Grand Marquis so the people with the little cars can be safe :roll: Old people aren't safe either you know. They cause lots of accidents. Deadly ones. Teenagers? Can't drive worth shit, tons of accidents.


"The H2 is a gas guzzler" Who cares, you're not paying the gas for it! "H2 owners are killing our soldiers in Iraq"...now don't you feel dumber just by reading that sentence?


"The H2 has the chassis of a Chevy Tahoe" Yes, because it would make more sense to use the frame of a Toyota Tercel. What does that have to do with anything?


"The H2 is a polluter" Wah, so is your car. If there were no H2's or SUV's for that matter, we'd have just as much pollution.


So basically what it boils down to is a bunch of tree hugging hippies who are upset at the pollution in our air and need an easy target to blame. And people who just happen to hate SUV's because they're big and expensive and take lots of gas. :roll:

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"The H2 is a polluter"  Wah, so is your car.  If there were no H2's or SUV's for that matter, we'd have just as much pollution.

This is a highly specious argument. Yes, all cars that burn gasoline pollute, but there's a HUGE difference in HOW MUCH they pollute. You could put dozens of Honda Civics (my car) on the road, pollution-wise, for the amount an H2 spews out. And the gas guzzling is about more than just $$$ at the pump.


We really need to get off fossil fuels. But in the meantime we can at least improve fuel efficiency.

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"The H2 is a polluter"  Wah, so is your car.  If there were no H2's or SUV's for that matter, we'd have just as much pollution.  



exactly, take the fucking bus :)


cows make up 70% of the ozon problem :ponder: cars is only like 13%, arisaols is like 6%,, strange how we never here about the cows,, but people and politions sure bitch about the cars and arizols

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cows make up 70% of the ozon problem


So the solution to the ozone problem is to eat more hamburger?




I knew that vegetarians were what was wrong with the world today... ;)

buffalo actually dont make the 'ozone' bad 'gas'.. I wouldnt be surprised if in time you see alot more buffalo.. I actually prefer buffalo.. best burgers in the world;)

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Why does anyone need to jusify why they like a vehicle?


The H2 is a real symbol of American excess - especially to people in other countries. I feel that the H2 is in the same family as all of the other unnecessary SUV's on the road. What really gets my goat is people who have one or two kids, but feel that they need the room to seat eight for the two occasions a year that they need the space.


I've also seen lots of people buy them not just to elevate their social status, but out of some misguided belief that they are safer... or that they need an SUV because with so many out there, everyone needs one to be safe. These are all bad reasons to buy any vehicle.


I felt the ignorance rubbing off from reading that website. "The H2 is a death machine if you collide with one in your economy car."


I agree this isn't a very good argument. Then you'd have to keep trucks off the road - especially the sort that you rent on moving day since they're driven by inexperienced drivers. On the same token, SUV's drive differently than conventional cars and I do think that if you want to have a car that pretends its a big truck, you should have some sort of "pretending to be a truck" qualification test.


"The H2 is a gas guzzler" Who cares, you're not paying the gas for it! "H2 owners are killing our soldiers in Iraq"...now don't you feel dumber just by reading that sentence?


Nope. It's actually pretty naive to say that because you can afford something that you're automatically entitled to it. Gas guzzling isn't just a money issue, it's a pollution issue - but given your later comments, i doesn't seem lik this is much of a concern with you? We all have to share roads and air with each other, it would be nice if car companies would at least act like they're trying to be more earth friendly.


"The H2 has the chassis of a Chevy Tahoe" Yes, because it would make more sense to use the frame of a Toyota Tercel. What does that have to do with anything?


Agreed. Here the authors are giving credence to H2 machismo by trying to cut it down to being a wimpier car. That's playing on the H2's advertiser's own terms, and the web authors will never win a meaningful argument that way. They make a lot more credible points elsewhere, so it seems safe to drop this one off the list.


"The H2 is a polluter" Wah, so is your car. If there were no H2's or SUV's for that matter, we'd have just as much pollution.


There wouldn't be just as much pollution if the larger sources of it were off the road... that's a question of arithmetic. As someone else here said, it's an issue of how much pollution. Given the condition of the average American urban environment, even a small difference in emissions would make a big difference.


So basically what it boils down to is a bunch of tree hugging hippies who are upset at the pollution in our air and need an easy target to blame. And people who just happen to hate SUV's because they're big and expensive and take lots of gas.


It's an unfortunate world when someone who talks about an easily preventable environmental crime is slandered as a tree-hugging hippie. SUV's are an easy target because they're not crucial to so many people that own them. The military, fine. People hauling lots of stuff and trundling through rough terrain, fine. The sheer number of people who have an H2 as a power/status symbol, eh...


I think that we'd all agree that industry is responsible for most of the pollution that we suffer with, but it feels like there's little i can do about it. When I see a single person driving around in a car built for many more, it feels like you could talk sense into that person and make a little impact. Creating a website where people are flipping off H2's? I dunno what sort of dialogue comes out of that, but I'm glad to see someone taking an aggressive stand on this.

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And this is why we have a political forum.


Is a standard car really THAT much better for the environment than an SUV? There sure are a lot of things more dangerous to the world than a big vehicle aren't there?


It seems like guilty liberals rail against SUVs because its a convenient form of protest for those who don't want to actually do anything. "Well I may be driving my car just 2 blocks to the convenience store but at least I'm not in an evil SUV!" If you want to be morally pure, use public transportation or drive an electric car.


I think both those commercials suck. Just cheap and lame attempts at the nostalgia dollar. I don't even want to play Pac-Man anymore.

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I don't see *THAT* many H2's to support the environment arguement. I think I'd probably be able to safely say that there's fewer H2's on the road than any other SUV. Now if every other vehicle I saw on the road was one, you might would have a valid point.


The two main sources sources of air pollution are transportation (including, but not limited to ALL cars/trucks/SUV's, trains, buses) and stationary fuel combustion services, being your heating and cooling of residential and commercial properties. An H2 may put out more carbon monoxide, but the bottom line is that pollution existed and was out of control long before the H2 existed. If it's gotten worse in the last few years since the H2, it wasn't because of the H2. It's because our population is growing. More people = more cars, more houses, more industrial industries, more power plants, etc.


I don't know about you, but I'm not really concerned with what other countries think of as "American excess". They can think we are ridiculous with our big bulky SUV's, but I've never understood why they would want to ride in a car that's as big as a bathtub either. And what's the big deal if people have 1 kid or 2, or heck, even no kids. I don't ever buy a car to appease other people. I go out, find one *I* like and I buy it. If Joe Blow doesn't like my car, what's it matter to me? If a bunch of Joe Blow's don't like it, I might be encouraged to buy it even more.


The safety reasoning is somewhat as an issue, but as we've both stated, to use that excuse, you'd have to ban far more than H2's. My parents have a Ford F250 in which my mother has backed OVER 2 cars and been plowed into from behind. Not a scratch on the truck at all, but all three cars were toast. The good news is that my father has since taken the truck away from her and bought her a little car :) So, I can see people being scared in little cars when faced with vehicles like these, but if what you want is a small vehicle, then this is the chance you take unfortunately. I once had a Toyota Tercel and I can attest that I was scared to death to be on the road in that. Forget the gas mileage, I just want to live. Instead of expecting everyone else to buy smaller cars, I just sold it and bought something bigger. I've seen grandpa's in Lincoln Towncars cause serious damage to small cars.


Anyway, I only know one person that has an H2, and I don't really know them very well, but I've never gathered from them that they are getting some sort of power trip out of owning that silly looking machine. Personally, I don't know why anyone would spend so much on a vehicle that you have to climb into and could risk breaking your neck getting out of, and why anyone would want to park at the back of every parking lot wherever they go because the damn thing won't fit in a regular space, but I have no interest in trying to tell them not to get one. I have lots and lots of things I don't need. I have more computers than I count, lots and lots of video games, televisions, barbies, etc that I don't NEED, but that I simply wanted. I have lots more of these things than anyone I know in real life, but I don't get a power trip off of it and I don't continue to buy these things to improve my social status. And if someone told me I should stop buying video games because there's only 1 of me, I would tell them to so suck it. I think this is a common misconception when it comes to people who buy SUV's. Just because it's big and expensive doesn't mean the person is trying to impress you. It's possible they really like what the vehicle had to offer. It's also possible that no matter how many dirty looks you give them, how many pictures you take flipping them off inside of a car with tinted windows, and no matter what you say, they simply probably don't give a rat's ass.

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The H2 is a real symbol of American excess



exactly, thats the true nature of the attacks. not the environment or safety concerns


but face it, america loves assholes, and women love to fuck men who are assholes. the trend of the past 20 or so years to "sensitize" men hasn't gotten us anywhere. you now just have a lot more angry single/divorced men out there, frustrated with themselves only because they have been acting the way political correctness says they should act, but they only yield a position on the very bottom of the totem pole.

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Someone once said that SUVs are a good answer to a bad question: "how can we make minivans cool?" They're along the same lines as sporty station wagons of the 1970s.


H2's are more like "how can we make driving 'the short bus' seem cool?"


I'm thinking about getting a MINI Cooper. At least I'd be

better off than in a Ford F150!

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Expensive or not, it all boils down to the same conclusion for me... the H2 is as ugly as all sin. :evil:


I'd take a Ford Mustang SVT Cobra or a Dodge Viper any day of the week over an H2. Personal preference. :D


Just so I can leave without a guilty conscience and stay on topic, I haven't seen the commercial but I need to. Only have a 56k dialup though... so I know the download will probably be about as intensive as, oh, say... teethpulling? :ponder:

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When I first saw the Hummer commercial, I was scrambling to get ready for AGE last year (still waiting for info about this year!) At first I thought it was going to be an AGE commercial.


This came full circle when they had a trivia question at AGE about that commercial. So I ended up with a copy of "Humvee Attack" (for PC, so I haven't even opened it yet) because of it.


Myself, I'm happy with an Isuzu Trooper. Good frame and ground clearance, seats five when necessary, and pushbutton 4WD that actually gets used every now and then. Anyone whining about fuel efficiency should take into account that I live five miles from work.

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Must be great to only be 5 minutes away from work. No need to rush to get up in the morning and have to try to beat traffic. I have a friend who recently got herself a private practice and she only lives 5 minutes away from where she works and she loves it! :)

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lol, I can't believe were this thread has gone considering I just thought it was neat to see and hear the Astroides game.................................................................................................................bush still sucksl :P

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Must be great to only be 5 minutes away from work. No need to rush to get up in the morning and have to try to beat traffic. I have a friend who recently got herself a private practice and she only lives 5 minutes away from where she works and she loves it! :)

Yeah, but I've had the house for almost three years and they only recently finished the freeway along the way. It used to take me 20+ minutes to get home because half the distance was traffic lights and slow-n-go traffic. And going toward work, I would turn off my street into the middle of a multiple-cycle traffic light line.

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