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Games with ghosts...?

Room 34

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A few days ago, while working on setting up some new phpBB-based forums on my company's website, my boss asked me a question about how forums work that I thought would best be answered by showing her the AtariAge forums.


That, of course, necessitated explaining to her that I am a classic video game junkie, and she expressed mild interest, noting that she had frequently played Atari at her grandmother's house when she was a kid.


She talked in vague terms about her favorite game, which she remembered as having ghosts in it. I thought she was describing Haunted House, so I showed her some screenshots, and she said there was more to the game than that, and I was puzzled. I ascertained that it was NOT Pac-Man she was talking about, but rather some kind of game that was similar to, but not, Haunted House.


I am still leaning towards it being Haunted House, and that it was just hard for her to get a sense of the game from the screenshots. But can anyone else think of a different game she might be talking about? Possibly even one for a different system from the same era...?

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This is odd. Today (about 2 hours ago) I showed my freind my atari collection and he asked "Do you have that cool ghost game?" I showed him several but he insisted that it was not any that I showed him. I've been wondering what game it was all night.


The title of your post made mr kinda shutter....kinda freaky.



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Ghostbusters too. ;) But that is unlikely as they would be able to recall that title. :ponder: I often have incidences where I'm thinking of something and then people mention it. Chalk it up to being a small world. or...... Telekinesis of thoughts on some unknown wave length that our minds have not been able to consciously use. :ponder:

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Carl Jung (and Sting) would call it synchronicity.


That is pretty weird though... and it's funny that in both cases, neither Atari nut had any idea what game they were talking about.


(That's the problem with people who AREN'T as into vintage games, though... their memories are often fuzzy or even totally wrong.)


I guess I should show her some Ghost Manor screenshots tomorrow and see if it rings any bells. I have only once in my life seen a Xonox game in person so they don't usually come to mind for me...

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If it's Ghost Manor then it's one of my favorites too. :)


I don't know if I've ever even played "Ghost Manor" before reading this thread earlier today. :ponder:


I guess that I assumed that it would pretty much suck like most of the other XONOX titles. Turns out that it's a pretty fun game actually! I don't seem to understand how to kill Dracula in the last room though.

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Hey... I just wanted to let everyone know, I decided the best way to settle it was to bring my iBook over to my boss's desk and fire up Stella.


Yes... the game she was thinking of was Ghost Manor.


It was the distinctive intro "music" that triggered the memory for her.

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