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Was the Coleco Gemini released outside of the USA?


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A lot of Canadian packaging is bilingual. I could be wrong but don't the Canadian "international edition" Activision carts have bilingual writing on them?


I know at least Skiing did... there's a version that says Skiing/Le Ski on the cart,

though I can't seem to find a picture of one right now. I'm sure someone here owns one.

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I remember getting a gemini as replacement for our Broken vcs for christmas 84 Our parents went out and left the christmas presents under the tree and we decided to see what they got us well Lol we opened the gift wrap and took out the thing thinking our parents were out until real late and we were going to wrap it back up as they usually came in at like 2 but they came home while we were playing it and our dad kicked our butts lol.



Mr Oni

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