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1. Most of the time I don't have the money for items.

2. Some guy wonders out with a hand full of stuff

3. I walked out with a hand full of stuff

(I have been nice a few times and let a few items go out of my hand if somebody asked for it and I already owned the item.)

4. The stuff I saw was bad or overpriced. Mostly overpriced now

5. I ask and get any number of answers.

(Best response. Sure come into the back room and look around)

6. Last big score I missed was 2 arcade games from a yard sale. Friend contacted me about it. I couldn't go until the next day and by that time it was two late.

7. last small score I missed was N64, PSone, and Dreamcast. Dreamcast someone else picked up. N64 and PSone. no cash on me.


I think that sums up my shopping experiance.





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It's interesting to realize I have tag sale competition for Atari stuff in my area..this could have the makings of a great sitcom..ya know' date=' me tackling him into a table of carts that go flying into the air...scrambing for that boxed 50 cent Quadrun....[/quote']


LOL "Some Guy" lies in my area too. My best friend and I both collect games but we know when each other get them. Long ago we decided that "some guy" was out there. We had some pretty crazy ideas ourselves including setting up a table at our local flea market with a few of our rare cartridges sitting out as 'bait'. When "Some Guy" buys them find out how much he knows the jump him. LOL Or sending cartridges off to various goodwill stores with GPS chips in them and then tracking them down again later! :twisted:

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Ive been that guy plenty of times. Probably the most memorable was a box with sc3000 carts and some sms and nes carts. My better half had collected these at a thrift store and one of the people working there said they had reserved these for themselves, The better half proceeded in telling them to go to hell, slammed a 5er on the table and walked out, It was funny as all hell at the time. In the same store i picked up a psone with a busted psu for $5, A kid walked up and said he'd already taken it. I told his father tough shit as they left it where it was and of course it ended up mine.


At then end of the day people do suck and its a 1st in best dressed situation with classic collecting.

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Oh, I hate that and it has happened plenty of times.


You go over to a table. Get ready to pick something up and somebody runs up to you and grabs it. Then mutters out, I had first, I just set it down, etc. etc.


Best yet is when you catch two people going at each other. Then the sales person shows up to find out what the problem is. Followed by the manager. Then a kind customer would walk up and say who had it first.


I'm like were is the popcorn.





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Not me. I bet it's one of the "big fish" in the collector scene. Spirantho once invaded my territory on eBay.nl I believe, heh. Well there were some idiots bidding there and the little cart lot ended up way overpriced anyway. Not interesting to me or Spirantho. I'm sure on eBay that "someguy" quite often is someone from here.

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In my area there are only two people on AA, myself and Lost Monkey and he doesn't seem to show up much anymore does he? He could be my "someguy" I guess.


Lost Monkey - you get a good deal on a system with around 40 games for $20 on June 5th on Lesperance road at a yard sale?


A couple of the guys at the local EB also collect but unless they're lost monkey, they aren't members here.

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Two weeks ago- I was "that guy". At a flea market- 6 switch vcs, 3 joysticks, driving paddles, 43 games (three of which are pretty rare), and about 15 different manuals/comics/catalogs. The vendor said a few people had looked and were "talkin' bout comin' back". It was marked $55, but he let me take it for $45.

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Any one of us on this board can be that elusive "someguy" for anybody else on the board. we could auctually be posting right along with the dude that took the box of 100 minty Atari Games of teh dude that ofund the CIB heavy sixer. That would be interesting to find out if that has happend to one of us.



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I hate 'sumguy' so what I used to do it's get up in the morning kinda early, go to work to pick up my truck, and before going to see the first client, make a quick run to goodwill and a couple of stores in the same block to check out the selfs. You have to do your timing really good, they usually put stuff in the mornings, or your best bet, tip one of the workers with a 20 to put games away for you (that worked the best for me, this guy had waiting for me one of the black 2600 with controllers and paddles with the carring case for me, he even mark it down from 20 to 4.99)

Anyways, good luck!



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... your best bet' date=' tip one of the workers with a 20 to put games away for you (that worked the best for me, this guy had waiting for me one of the black 2600 with controllers and paddles with the carring case for me, he even mark it down from 20 to 4.99)[/quote']


This could work. Of course if you can establish a friendship with someone that works at places like these. Y'know, get to know them on a first-name basis. That might also buy you a ticket into some good stuff at a fair (or more than fair) price.

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Missed out on a massive score a little while ago at one of the flea markets


i arrived JUST as the guy was paying.


2600 woody


LOTS of games

3 mega drives

2 sega CDs (one unerneath one on side)

two 32Xs

lots of games

4 spectrums of various types

acorn atom



And the guy selling them, he just kept piling stuff into the box saying things like 'Oh you may as well take this as well'. Just for free :? .


I wanted to shout


'NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, *I* want that'


But they were in the box and the sumguy was walking away almost before i recovered from the shock.


Horrible, to miss out on something like that :(

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Saturday, I did the yard sales like I usually do, and I finally came across a sale that had a boxed Atari. The box wasn't glorious or anything, somewhat discolored and had tags on it from its original sale ($99!) but I was interested.


Then I see the dopey bitch doing the sale is selling it paired with an old ass television for $125. I'm not interested.


She offers to sell me the system for $75. My first thought: "Did she really think that TV was worth $50 or something?" I'm still not interested. I can see the Atari inside, and it has some white styrofoam-looking spots of fungus on the side - I've seen this sort of thing before, it could be cleaned up, but it's a little nasty. Not interested.


She says she'll take $50 for it. I tell her it's more than I'm looking to drop on a system over twenty years old. She elevates her voice and tells me she just sold one for $75. This was an older woman that didn't look like she'd be the owner of two Atari 2600s - today, she'll have to find another moron to buy it. Sure, $50 was probably fair for the condition of the box and system, but ..ah... No? How about No?


Freaky yard sale folks...

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Hey all, Have been beaten by the 'other guy' on many occasions, but The one time I was the other guy was at a Salvation Army Thrift Store about 8 years ago. I was with my dad, hadn't found crap, and was checking out. I saw an employee toss a clear plastic trash bag filled with somrthing behind the counter. I sheepishly asked what that was (not too freindly a store) and they said 'some junk'. I glanced and found the bag was completely filled with Atari 2600 carts, maybe 40....I bought the bag first, and checked for titles later. I don't think any titles were very rare, but got Kaboom! Fishing Derby, Riddle of the sphinx, Fire fighter, Atlantis, all very fun titles, with 2 Intellivision games for good measure. All the Atari carts went to my bedroom, for my '2nd-class' Atari 7800 system. Total Price for big bag of carts: $5.00.

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