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Favorite/Best Sports Games

Gregory DG

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I agree with the VGC that passes are intercepted too easily and that bugs me but maybe it takes many hours of play to get the hang of it, so I bow the Zen master  :D


Oh, there's one problem. No passing. You want Mr. Outside to take the 3-point shot anyway. There won't be much time to get off a shot anyway. Only use Mr. Inside for rebounds and put backs if he misses.


So you can throw out the playbook as well. I have played the game and I still don't know any of the plays.


Part of the reason I call myself the Double Dunk Zen Master (other than it sounds funny) is that I do play this game intuitively. I'm at a lost to really get into detail as to how to get better at it, other than some basic principles.


Practice the 3-point shot. Find at least two spots on the floor where you can't miss. Then any time Mr. Outside has the ball, take him to one of those spots and hit it.


On defense, you can get some steals by sliding past the passing lane and then moving back in quickly.

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When the question of sports games on the 2600 comes up, I'm always baffled by the lack of Double Dunk responses.  Have you tried it?  I know it's a 4 in the rarity guide and in my experience, it is more scarce that that.  And it does have quite a tough difficulty curve.  The computer is going to kick your ass at first.  It has a 1989 release date, so it's not one that many played growing up.


But back in the early 90's I picked it up for $1 at Odd Lots and just played the heck out of it.  I think the gameplay is almost comparable to the NES basketball games.  What does anyone else think of it?

I was basically done with the Atari 2600 by that time and focused on the Commodore 64 and Nintendo, but I did play the emulated version and I hate it as much as every other basketball game I have ever played on any system. To me, basketball in video game form will always suck until you can play a virtual reality version using a force feedback suit. I want to throw the ball, not push a stupid button. For some reason, other games such as Tennis don't seem as bad.

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I think Double Dunk is a lot of fun. For an Atari 2600 game, it plays pretty well. The flicker is a bit annoying but I got used to it pretty quick. I agree that the computer can steal the ball too easily but I don't think it hinders gameplay too much. I always wanted to play this against a human opponent - I'm sure it would be even more enjoyable.


Big Player - maybe next Philly classic we can play the game on one of the Atari's that are set up. I met you down there this year with Cafeman and Allan - we talked shop while we enjoyed a beer in the parking lot. Good times!!

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In no particular order:


1. M-Network's "Football" (sad I can rarely find another player these days)

2. "Pele's Soccer" (spent many a drunken evening battling friends on this while in college and grad school)

3. Ice Hockey (one of the best games for the system)

4. Activision's "Tennis" (amazing when it first came out)

5. "Bowling" (still challenge my wife to that one from time to time)

6. "Skiing" (simple and fun)

7. "Homerun" (hey, I like "Homerun." Yeah, it's not exactly baseball, but it's still fun)

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I think Double Dunk is a lot of fun.  For an Atari 2600 game, it plays pretty well.  The flicker is a bit annoying but I got used to it pretty quick.  I agree that the computer can steal the ball too easily but I don't think it hinders gameplay too much.  I always wanted to play this against a human opponent - I'm sure it would be even more enjoyable.  


Big Player - maybe next Philly classic we can play the game on one of the Atari's that are set up.  I met you down there this year with Cafeman and Allan - we talked shop while we enjoyed a beer in the parking lot.  Good times!!


I will make sure to bring Double Dunk next year. It's a great two player game. I'm sure Stan Jr. won't mind if we hi-jack his 2600 for a time.


Good luck with your homebrew!


And thanks for your opinions everyone. There never seems to be enough Double Dunk talk here. :D

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