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Doomdark's Revenge: who's got it?!

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Forgot to ask... Is the instruction booklet A8 only or multi-system?


Thanks :)






Follow-up to Lords Of Midnight, yes.



Multi format, but wait a minute!

I know about games that had standardised sections of their instructions...


I have - among others - Road Blasters, published by US Gold, for the C64.

With it came a separate sheet, not attached to the inlay, for loading instructions for C64, CPC, Spectrum, Atari and MSX. However, there is no US Gold Road Blasters for Atari or MSX - this was just a sheet that the publisher put in with a number of its games to save hassle.


While Doomdark's booklet is multi-format: C64, Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum and Atari, it contains details specific to each version, such as keys for movement.

It's when I see things like: "...to look at the map, press F1 (Atari version: press Option)...", I suspect there was a version written, as why else would they be mentioning details?

The sheet with Road Blasters contains no information whatsoever apart from press Shift & Run/Stop; hold Start & Option, etc and thus can't be trusted, because that info would have been the same regardless of what the game was.

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I would recommend a wonder over to http://www.icemark.com/


I know of spectrum, C=64 and have heard of Amstrad versions, no Atari though. maybe it was considered, but dropped, leaving only some manual notes as evidence.


The chap who runs icemark is active in the midnight yahoo group dedicated to remakes of the game, i understand there are PC, GBA and other versions being worked on by fans, and mutterings of a full 'semi commercial' version for PCs which may or maynot have a WIMP interface (certainly the engine is being worked on).

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