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Who here has a VCS but doesn't own Combat?


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Wait a second' date=' that gives me another project to start and never finish! :D[/quote']


I'd rather know that someone has lost interest in a project, or doesn't have time to work on it, than for us to wonder indefinitely what's going on. :) It would be an interesting project for someone else to pick up. I imagine fairly decent AI could be done in a 32K cartridge.



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It's unfortunately true. I no longer have the time I once had for Atari programming. Life has changed quite a bit since I finished school.


At least we have a demo that shows that one player Combat is possible. The problem of getting the tank to navigate obstacles has been solved. Now it just needs some improvements to make the game challenging, and I have some ideas how that can be done.


I am open to the idea of someone else taking over Tank AI. If anyone is seriously interested in continuing the project, I'll explain how the demo works.


I'd say that "never" is too strong a word. Look at how many years passed between updates to INV. :)

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I have all the ver of combat (text' date=' text #' date=' picture...) 8 total -> 6 working...I want to know how someone killed a combat cart.[/quote'']

Do you have the 'gold' text version?? with the gold outer ring on the end label


How about real shiny silver? I don't think so... I'd neeed a pict.

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I have:


Black ©1978, C1, plastic coated label (This is a paper label with

a plastic coating. This particular label was made very well--

there are no air bubbles and there is no loss of definition

in the picture. looks like a normal Black label except it is

extremely glossy. I can read text on my computer monitor

off the reflection in this label.)


then the normal Text #


then the silver border lower case (repeats)


and the capital letter picture

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