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Menace Souce Code Released

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Are the character sets missing?


Everything else assembles ok with mac/65 but the areas that are supped to contain the character sets are empty.


Theres also a good chance im just assembling it incorrectly.




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What is in the files on Steve's site is all there is in Mac format folks i sent the stuff to Steve it is a copy of the full disk. However i do have another boot demo which does show the panel at the bottom and the roof and floor graphics so if someone wants to dissassemble that you could creat a charactor set from that.



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Hi all,


Nice to see the source for menace at last! Thanks for that Steve/Andy. Very interested to look at the routines used. It would be nice if someone could disassemble the more up-to-date binaries to obtain the char sets. I have some files to post myself in respect of Menace later tonight.


Here are the source files converted to PC ASCII for those of you who use XASM rather than the original MAC65. Also useful if you just want to quickly look at and/or print the source on the PC.


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Hi all, anyone for menace?


Well here's some stuff I've been working on with regard to menace, a bunch of G2F artwork and some RMT tracks. I would like to put together a more finished version of Menace. Anyone want to help? I will have to transfer all my original 5.25" disks to images cos I have none of my utilities to hand. I should obtain the missing char sets from the binaries but I need to get my A8 set-up first. May do that over the weekend.


Here's my G2Fs so far. some of these are not quite finished yet..

Her's also an ealy version of the music (Track 3) I need to work on some instruments and add the C64 lead also to make this closer to the original. I have the Whittaker C64 version and the Amiga original for reference.






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Heaven/TQA are the screenshots really G2f???
Hi Heaven, Yes they are really G2F's but some are not finished yet. I will post them later on. I really want to put these together into the actual game. I have made the pictures with this in mind. The psygnosis logo has taken a long time to create, I had an idea to better use the colours per scanline. Before Tebe added the smart colours function I thought it would be a good idea to break the pictures down into 8 pixel blocks (1 char) and carefully examine the use of colours on that particular "slice". The four colours that are most used are the playfield colours, the colours that dont appear in the same char block together can be the inverse colour then the rest is carefully filled out with PMs. I then simply use the cut and paste to put the blocks back into one finished picture. It takes a lot of working out but the results are a better picture.


The Psyclapse logo uses only two (or 3?) fonts so should be able to put a little pre-intro together there with the main title screen. I have also created the Harlequin logo but that needs some work also. The mothership is based on the Amiga original.


Did you check out the RMT music? It needs some more work yet but, it's not too bad for an early version. I need to work on some better instruments to make it closer to the original.


Watch this space..... :) Tezz

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Tezz I really want to put these together into the actual game
Oops, scrap that idea. There are copywrite issues with using the sourcecode in this way and distributing it. I will put an intro tegether instead with the G2Fs and sountracks...
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Tezz I really want to put these together into the actual gameOops, scrap that idea. There are copywrite issues with using the sourcecode in this way and distributing it. I will put an intro tegether instead with the G2Fs and sountracks...


This can probably be worked out if Steve (Jet Boot Jack) has kept some of the original Harlequin / Psygnosis paperwork.


Also, it's not like the XL/XE is representing a danger for big game companies in this day and age. Look at what Sheddy is doing with Space Harrier.



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Why bother with Menace then!!!!


Now you have the knowledge for text based pmgs work and improve the routines do not just copy them I am sure they can be made better. Then make your own scrolling shooter call it what you like but base it on Menace. There are only about 5 games in the world rest are just a variation on a theme!!!!!!!




p.s. remember to copy from one source is plagiarism to copy from many is research

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1:1.... aaaaaaarg.... ;) but score is better than the 1:2 for england... hehehehe...


ok...back to menace...


i mean...we have an engine running software sprites + handling of the player...now what you can do is f.e. menace DX or a remix version with different gfx etc... or make a "real zybex" version... as plastron said: here is an engine now make a game... :)

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just had a quick look into the code... there is still the OS running in background...so switching this off will gain some more cpu cycles then maybe expanding to 128k will gain more precalculated stuff and i am sure that unrolling the code might be an option as well... and i am sure my polish coding maniacs will find additional improvements as well...


and think about it...maybe with this you can even do platformers...

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LOL just take a look at Black Lamp it can be done that uses software sprites if i can be bothered i will look through more of my back up disk may even have some of the source for that lying around. Ivan and Richard lived close to me once and i used to meet them often. I may still have some of Richards unreleased music stuff in fast basic


The biggest draw back when i was programming was you had to cater for Cassette so were stuck with 48K. You can write a good game in 48K and store many character sets on a disk if you did not have to bother with cassette which you now do not so you can have many different levels. In plastron we could have had many different levels and looking screens but in the end were stuck with 3 screen types and 30 levels. Screens were compressed by building out of blocks so did not have to store full screens in memory just the map to re build.

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Hi Everyone,


Well it looks like it may be possible to develop Menace to a finished version after all. I have been speaking to Steve (Jet Boot Jack) about this. I can ellaborating some more on this after I have heard back from Steve.


Heaven/TQA1:1.... aaaaaaarg....
;) Germany played well though. Holand were lucky to equalise.


tebe XASM version
Thanks for converting the format.


More later....

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