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HSC Future and thoughts


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We've been doing this for over 2 months now. Based upon your feedback and some things I noticed Ive tweaked the format a bit here and there. We have about 5 or 6 consistent players but it would be nice to get more. So, Im asking you all what changes/tweaks you think would make this more fun/better?


Things to consider - Run 1 game every other week, run 2 games across 2 weeks, pick 5 games for a month, pick 5 games a week :o, allow players to pick a game vs voting (like the 2600 HSC)?


At some time I wouldnt mind someone else running the show for a time period either - Im still planning on some kind of prize (unless Shannon lives in the Antartica with $1000 shipping for 1lb :) ), but would like to do this in an organized timeframe - say, 3 months (1Q) then someone else could run the next 3 months with some new rules?



Feedback or thoughts welcome - good, bad or ugly :)

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Yeah, it would be nice to get some new people here. How to do that, I really don't know, but I think you have some good ideas going already.


Maybe having the players choose a single game like the 2600 hsc would work well, then we could get rid of the whole voting for two days thing. I think the 2600 hsc works well because it runs for a full week (sunday to sunday)


And on the side of other people running it, we would have to put up with dummies like me that don't know html and couldn't make a table like that for the life of me. (and we couldn't edit like you because you are a moderator)

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I dont run it Sun->Sun so I can get a break :). The voting booth is open for 4 days for all to see. I can go either way, but if I allow folks to pick I will need to register a list of 'official' folks to run through their requests - not a big deal but something extra to manage.


good point on the editing bit - Until Al gets that fixed it prob doesnt make sense to switch back and forth who can edit.


Thanks for the comments.

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I'd love to play, but I don't have a WinTel clone at home, and therefore can neither access the more obscure games via SIO2PC, nor post screen shots of high scores obtained.  :sad:


Screenshots are optional if you can somehow get to play any of the games.

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I just joined the 7800 HSC & am interested in this too! But I missed the first 2 months & probably dont have most of the games. I could've competed in Mr Do, Moon Patrol, & River Raid.


Like the previous post, I have little time to do it...

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What I MEANT was, I dont have half the games you've played, & I've never heard of Buried Bucks or Beef Drop (Biffdrop?)


What's the use in joining if I dont have the games to play? (I'm using an actual 800XL, not an emulator)

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For all your Atari 8-bit computer gaming needs the Sio2PC interface is the way to go, and it don't even cost that much. Especially considering the benefits of having one.


As far as the number of members goes. Well it is expected to see more people participating in the 2600 HSC's. Strangely enough the 5200 HSC never really took off. Odd considering the number of verbally outspoken 5200 owners.


As for me walking away with the best rankings, dont think that too soon. Between river raid and realms of impossibility I'm sure my rankings will drop a bit.


Just got lucky and off to a good start.


Thoughts and advice? Well no I really do not have any. Once a week works for me, although the 2600 and 8-bit HSC's tend to eat into my ability to participate in the 7800 HSC, but whatever..


Once a month though, seems too long to really be able to keep people interested in it. If once a week is too much for people, maybe one week every two weeks would be better. Vote one week, play the next..

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