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Classic Gaming News Article


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The word about this hobby must be spreading, even the local Omaha newspaper has gotten into it:

Classics From Atari, Intellivision Back in the Game

None of you are going to learn anything from this article, but it's an interesting look at pure incompetent journalism. It's obvious that the writer doesn't have the slightest idea of what she's talking about and is just spewing back whatever her meager sources tell her.


In fact, some analysts predict retro game sales will total between $250 million and $300 million this year, according to public relations firm G.S. Schwartz & Co. of New York.

Can this possibly be true?


Locally, Gamers in La Vista sells about 10 vintage video games or systems a day, according to Assistant Manager Nick Christi.

By "vintage" they mean any system older than a PS2. And Gamers is the shittiest video game store I've ever known.


And what classic gaming article would be complete without the cliches? "Games like 'Pac-Man' and 'Asteroid' take a minute to learn and a lifetime to master."


Asteroid? Heh.

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In fact, some analysts predict retro game sales will total between $250 million and $300 million this year, according to public relations firm G.S. Schwartz & Co. of New York.

And of course, a good slice of it is coming form the 2600 homebrew scene earnings :D :D




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In fact, some analysts predict retro game sales will total between $250 million and $300 million this year, according to public relations firm G.S. Schwartz & Co. of New York.

Can this possibly be true?


If you take into account all the anthology releases for the Gameboy as well as other systems, and sales from any system older than the PS2, Xbox and Gamecube, then it's probably feasible.


I don't think this article was meant to be a scholarly history of videogames, just a little something to gain the interest of people. I think maybe you guys are being too critical of it.

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I went to E3 this year (as every year), and I absolutely loved the Classic video game exhibit they had. We spent several hours there. It brought back a lot on fond memories from my school days. I think today's video game genre has past me by. The last video game system I bought was SNES! Back in those days, games were fun, not just fighting/kill/violence games. At E3, I was able to get Atari and Intellivision joystick games as a freebie. I went home and really starting playing em. The weren't the best ports, but it still got me missing my 2600. I bought the Atari and Activision collections for the PC and played em on the keyboard :roll: , but it still was missing the classic joystick (didn't know about the StellaAdaptor then). Anyway...I went up into the attic and found my SNES and Sega Game Gear collection and started playing em again.


I still was missing my 2600, so I went on eBay and started checking prices. I then found povlok1, and bought my entire Atari 2600 Collection back. A restored mod'd Heavy Sixer, Atari Mint joysticks, Mint Paddles, and over 60 of the games I played as a kid. Jeff then directed me to AtariAge and I spent several hours playing catch up on how many people are just like me.


I'm in it for the long haul now. I'm not one of those they need to have every cart out there, but just the fun games I played as a kid and then I'll venture out and find more fun carts.


It's funny, I’m almost 35 now, and I've really missed playing Video Games. My 3 1/2 yr old daughter can now play these Atari Games with me, as some are just so simple to play.

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If you take into account all the anthology releases for the Gameboy as well as other systems, and sales from any system older than the PS2, Xbox and Gamecube, then it's probably feasible.

That makes sense, "classic gaming" exists under a bigger umbrella every day.


I don't think this article was meant to be a scholarly history of videogames, just a little something to gain the interest of people. I think maybe you guys are being too critical of it.

Bad journalism is bad journalism, even if it's about a topic I'm interested in. She could have at leats fact-checked the names of the videogames. That's about par for the Omaha newspaper though.

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Well I could imagine a vintage game shop/ vintage Arcade could rake in a good penny or too in a city of over 300K that has a lot of tourists provided they could get a good location at a good price.


Multimedia 1.0 here in New York City must make a buttload of cash. They're on one of the biggest trendy streets here--St. Marks Place--and boy, are they overpriced on everything--but they also HAVE everything. Looking through the glass of their Atari cart cabinet always brings a tear to my eye.

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Asteroids really isn't that simple to learn, compared to the likes of Pac-Man and Space Invaders-type games. Unless you're talking about the Atari 2600 version, it is quite daunting when you have asteroids coming at you in various directions and all you have is just two rotate buttons, a thrust button, a fire button, and a hyperspace button. I'd say it would take several games or more to get used to the controls.

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And what classic gaming article would be complete without the cliches?  "Games like 'Pac-Man' and 'Asteroid' take a minute to learn and a lifetime to master."  


Asteroid? Heh.


They make a cream for Asteroid. I know cos I used to have them.



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One quote I like from this article which really sums up the appeal of the

less sophisticated games of our youth "Games like 'Pac-Man' and 'Asteroid' take a minute to learn and a lifetime to master."


This is sooo true. Im still trying to "master" pac-man.









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