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Help, I need to know if anyone has any 8Bit Carts?

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Sorry, wife is for life..




Ah well, there other way to get games cept Ebay..




I have 25 different ATARI XEGS/XL carts , all boxed and new, but I'm in Germany and overseas shipping is expensive and slow.


The carts are Ace of Aces,Archon,Airball,Ballblazer,Blue Max, Crime Buster (Lightgun), Crossbow (Lightgun),David's Midnight Magic, Desert Falcon, Eastern Front, Final Legacy, Gato,Hardball,Joust,Lode Runner, Millipede, Moon Patrol, One on One, Pole Position,RealSports Football, Rescue on Fractalus, Robotron 2084,Star Raiders 2, Tennis, Thunderfox and maybe Battlezone.


Most of the carts are XEGS carts in blue boxes, they will work on 48K machines only, some, like Airball require 64K of RAM.



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Sorry, wife is for life..




Ah well, there other way to get games cept Ebay..




You gotta pick man!! The boring wife or your Nostalgia fix!!!! Hah! Just kidding. Well all I know is that when I got a divorce I was once again free and able to buy my vintage stuffs!! LOL YEAH!!! ;)


Good luck...

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Lord-Chaos, if you took a hit for shipping I bet you'd sell a lot more of those carts. I saw your past eBay auctions but shipping cost scared me away. I see at least 5 carts on your list I'd buy if you reduced shipping costs...

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Lord-Chaos, if you took a hit for shipping I bet you'd sell a lot more of those carts. I saw your past eBay auctions but shipping cost scared me away. I see at least 5 carts on your list I'd buy if you reduced shipping costs...


The problem is that there is no way to reduce the shipping from Germany, the German Post (DHL) is the cheapest way, but still expensive and the Euro is now so much higher than the Dollar.


Shipping one game is 8.05 Euro , 2-3 9.05 Euro etc. (2.05 Euro are for insurance) and 1 Euro = ca. $1.21 now (was only $1.10 last year, and less than $1 2 years ago).And that's surface mail, air mail is MUCH more expensive.And the small surface mail packages can take 6-8 weeks to arrive.


UPS, GLS, FedEx etc. are much more expensive.


That's the problem, there is absolutely no way of cheap overseas shipping.


The only possibility is to ship a large package to the US and ship single games from inside the USA, because one large package with up to 150 games is only 59 Euro , means only 0.40 Euro shipping per game and it takes only 3 weeks to arrive , as surface mail.

It's also possible to send up to 40 games in a package for 29 Euro, also quite fast.


So if several buyers would combine orders, it would be possible to save money.


But the smaller packages are far too expensive and slow.You can check the prices at www.deutschepost.de (switch to English if you cannot read German).



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hello Daniel,


I've been away from Atariage for a couple of weeks and saw that you were after carts. I'm based in Northern Ireland but on Tuesday will be flying out to texas. Please have a look at my list of atari things and see if there's anything you'd be interested in buying. As for prices, I'll let you suggest a fair price.





Final Legacy


Flight Simulator 2

Pole Position

Miner 2049er

Caverns of Mars

Bug Hunt

Assembler Editor (two copies)

Donkey Kong

The designer's pencil (either a prototype or a copy)



Red Rat Quartet Gold - Dreadnought, Laserhawk, Little Devil, Space Wars

Action Biker


Cloak of Death



Tiger Attack


Starwars (Domark/Zeppelin Games version(


Leaderboard (includes security dongle)


Technicolour Dream

Spy vs SPy 2 The Island Caper

The Tail of Beta Lyrae

Mr. Robot and his Robot Factory


Red Moon

Elektra Glide




CASSETTES (no documentation or cover)

Atari Smash Hits vol 7 (elektraglide and Alleycat)

Solo Flight


Monkey Magic

Microvalue compilation - Jet Set Willy and Balloonacy

Questprobe tm featuring the Hulk


Silent Service






Atari Touch Tablet (comes with Atari Artist Cartridge)

Atari Light Gun



At least 60 disks, including,


Public domain disks, disk newsletters (excel, futura, T.W.U.A.G etc), and games:


Mountain bike racer


Trivial Pursuit

Silicon Dreams (I should have the novella that came with this)

The Last Guardian

Who Dares Wins II

Rosen's Brigade

Crumble's Crisis


Winter Events

Alternate Reality

International Karate


Threshold and Mario's Desert World

Tobot and Bros

Zork I (boxed and will all the bits and pieces)


Quick Programming Language (1989) with User Manual (in English)

Atari Macro Assembler and Program Text editor manuals and box (but no disk!)

Midimaster (including hardware) - connect an 8-bit to a midi keyboard

Turbo Basic - Great programming language

Transdisk IV - convert cassette games to disk

Tari-talk (including hardware) - Transfer data between an 8-bit and an ST

10-Print - an atari 1029 printer utility





- Page 6 / New Atari User Magazine: issue #16-#83 (missing #24)

Also doubles of #30, #32, #48


- Atari User

1986: February (missing its cover) / July / September / October / November / December

1987: March / April / May / July / August / December

1988: January / March / June / August / September / November


- Analogue

#35 (October 1985)

#41 (April 1986)


- Antic

Vol 6 no 4 (August 87)


- Monitor Magazine, the UK Atari Computer Owner's Club

#18, #20 #21





Atari 130XE Games Book - Richard Woolcock & Graeme Stretton

The Atari 130 XE Handbook - Lupton & Robinson

Atari 600XL and Beyond - Mark Harrison and Steve Trotter (some pages a little loose)

Atari Adventures - Tony Bridge

Atari Games and Recreations - Herb Kohl, Ted Kahn, Len Lindsay, Pat Cleland

Best of PCW - Software for the Atari XL (2 copies)

Compute's Atari Collection volume 2

Compute's First Book of Atari Graphics (bought damaged and stored in a folder)

Compute's Second Book of Atari (2 copies)

Compute's Third book of Atari (2 copies)

The Atari Basic Source Book (2 copies) - Bill Wilkinson, Kathleen O Brien, Paul Laughton

Computer Animation Primer - David Fox and Mitchell Waite

Graphic Art for the Commodore 64(!) - Boris Allan

Making the most of your Atari - Paul Bunn

Mapping the Atari(revised edition) - Ian CHadwick

Superscript Manual (plus disk)

Writing Stategy Games on your Atari Computer - John White

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One of the best places to start collecting some of the rarer (and even some not so rare) carts are B&C Computervisions and Collectorcardsandgames.com


I picked up many of my starter carts there, and B&C even still has some nice carts like Mr. Cool, Ozzy's Orchard, etc.


good luck!

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As far as I know, there shouldn't be any compatibility problems - I asked that question on this forum last year and was told that they should be fine. I've also sold carts and cassettes to people in France, America and Canada and no-one's had any problems (at least, I assume no-one has). So they should work fine.


Though I may be wrong.



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