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Mirrored 2600 Switches?!


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Maybe this is common, but I've never seen this before. I broke out a 2600 I got in a "Service Exchange Only" and noticed for the first time that the switches on it are rounded with a mirrored chrome finish, while the other 2600s I own are shaved flat on the ends. Are these mirrored switches common and I've just never found one before?


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It's possible that the service center replaced the switches with ones that did not match the original switches in the unit. Are all of them the same? I guess I haven't really looked very closely at all the switches with the many 2600 units that have gone through my hands so I've never noticed different switches, but now I'll keep my eyes open.



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those came one of two ways,, One,, it may be a 'for promotional use only' system, they all had these switch 'covers', flip your unit over to see if its marked 'promotiinal use only'. Two, if this was a factory recondtioned unit, they most likely slid these covers on the old switches to hide any oxidation that occured. These were covers on reg switches. The covers were made of stainless steal (i think) so they wouldnt tarnish like the factory aluminium ones. This was great for the display models for many a 'sweaty finger' would work the switches.

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