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Paul Slocum Releases Music CD


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  • 2 months later...

Just picked this CD up at OKGE, and I've been enjoying it immensely. I had previously downloaded the MP3s from Observatory Online, but the sonic difference makes the CD purchase worth it - and honestly, as much as I've listened to the MP3s in the past year or so, I always intended to put my money on the table if Paul released an actual physical CD.


The extra song not previously released ("Same") is good stuff - all of it's good. Sometimes when you have an act with unique instrumentation - say, Blue Man Group - there can be a tendency to write the music around the instruments, and sure it might exploit the instrument to its fullest potential, but it might not come out sounding like what anyone would consider music. Here we have a batch of just plain good songs - they'd stand up on more traditional instruments. There's sort of an early 80s new wave vibe to the whole thing that has nothing to do with where the sounds are coming from - it's all in the writing and arrangements.


The videos are fun too - "Sleep" is pretty cool, and gives you a bit of a peek at where the sounds are coming from. For some reason, I thought the "surveillance cam"-style view of the printer was especially neat.


All in all, highly recommended. I don't know if Paul and Lauren will ever quite go mainstream, or if that's even their aim, but they're giving us some great tunes here and I hope they get their due recognition out of the deal.

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Thanks for making special mention of the video. Paul shot the instruments, then sent me the footage so I could put it together for him. I added the "security cam" graphics to tech things up a bit - so thanks for the compliment! :) Hopefully I'll be working with Tree Wave in the fuure on some oher video stuff that we've spoken about.

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Wow, I didn't even know that was you - I've only ever known you by your forum nickname! Very well done - I really liked the Sleep video. If you're ever too busy and I'm ever not busy at roughly the same time (don't worry too much - my being not busy at work is a pretty rare thing), I wouldn't mind tackling a video for Paul myself, but Sleep would be hard to beat. It does such a good job of showing how Tree Wave does what it does. Bravo!

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  • 11 months later...

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