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Yie ar kung fu


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Can any one tell me what ever did happen to the yie ar kung fu project you may or may not have been aware of. I had a disk image of it ages ago but seem to have lost it and now I can't remember where on earth I found it and who was responsible for this project if any one out there has any info or a disk image I would be grateful.


Thanks Cgf

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Can any one tell me what ever did happen to the yie ar kung fu project you may or may not have been aware of. I had a disk image of it ages ago but seem to have lost it and now I can't remember where on earth I found it and who was responsible for this project if any one out there has any info or a disk image I would be grateful.


Thanks Cgf



I think it is canceled because it could not be finished "the way how" the project was started.

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I have two versions of YAKF at home, one comes as a bootdisk and shows only a title picture and nothing more. the other version is a file of approx. 800-900 sectors, but when booting it with/without Basic, with a DOS or Gamedos or Bootloader (and several other things I tried), it crashes after a few seconds. Someone told me that the file version would work fine on Atari 800 Win emulator and not the real machine, but since my 486 PC with 66Mhz is so slow I cannot test this (even Atari 800 DOS version does not run on this 486 machine)... So, if you are interested in examining any of the two versions, feel free to e-mail me at: amp#abbuc*de and I will send you two (zipped) ATR images in return... -Andreas.

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Found Yie ar kung fu plus a whole lot more athttp://atari.online.pl/v01/index.phtml?ct=katalog&sub=Y


I can't find a playable version of Yie Air Kung Fu.

Found some interactive demo with some moving sprites and that's all...

The enemies are just moving left and right... and they never jump or throw something... You have one "Hero" to fight and after three levels it is "Game Over".

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