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Off-topic - Commodore 1701 monitor value

Joey Kay

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Hey hey...


Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but there is no classic computer forum, so this is as close as I can find.


A while back I salvaged a Commodore 64 with a box of 15 or so educational games, some generic disk drive, and a 1701 monitor from the elementary school that's being torn down.


I'm thinking of selling it to raise some money for a new(er) TV set for my classroom. I have absolutely no idea what this is worth. The 64 itself is probably worth about 15 cents, and I'm sure the drive is only worth another quarter... but I think I may be able to get a couple bucks for the monitor...


What do you think this worth all together? Any ideas? I need to put a proposal together for the principal... (you should see the public education system - I have to fill out forms in triplicate just to get post-it notes...)





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