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"Mom sold my Atari Collection at a Yard Sale" Supp


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Well it was my step mother not my mother (she would never do that) but I had my whole atari collection, Tandy coco system with lots of carts, disks, accessories AND my vintage Star Wars figures and playsets sold while I was living with friends up north one summer when I was 18 (many, many years ago)

She apparently took it upon herself to decide I was too old for those things.


Excuse me. . .


I suddenly feel ill :woozy:

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My mother is the greatest. She didn't seel my Atari...nor my baseball cards...nor anything else...even after I left for college. Now granted, when I got out of school, I was told to come get them, but she never once threatened to sell them....okay so maybe once or twice she did, but that was because I was probably misbehaving in some way. ;)



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I forgot one thing: she did throw away Glibs because it wouldn't work at all. This was long before I found out about cleaning cart contact. It probably wouldn't have mattered back then, Glib was a sucky game with no play value and I didn't know until almost 10 years later that Glib is really rare and worth quite a lot.


If that Glib didn't get destroyed, it's probably in the landfill south-east of Ann Arbor. I wouldn't hold out for intact label though.

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My mom gave away our 2600 stuff to a cousin, who surely doesn't have it any more (maybe I should have asked when I saw him last summer). But she made sure I knew she was doing it. It really wasn't much of a loss except a lot of instructions... and I didn't even know we had a Montezuma's Revenge until I found one years later and started it up. Otherwise, the rarest game we had was probably Shark Attack.


On the other hand, I have no idea what happened to our old 5200. I was able to find most of the carts in my mom's storage (including the gold-label Miner 2049er), so again, not much of a loss.

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I only recently got into Atari 2600. Wanted one in the past but my parents never got me one back in the late 80s / early 90s. I still live with my parents (anybody got a job and a place for me? :D ) and if my mom throws my Atari stuff out now I'll dump her in the garbage too :twisted:

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Hi my name is Kenwood.....and my Mom sold my entire Atari 2600 Collection at a yard sale.


Bro, it's time you divorce your mother.


I won't even get into all the Baseball Cards my brother and I had that could have put us through Harvard Law School ;)

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My mom never threw any of my Atari stuff away, the only thing I can think of that she got rid of that I miss were my old rubber Hot Wheels tracks. At least I still have the launcher that you crank to shoot the cars and makes such an ungodly amount of noise. :)


But you know what family member actually came close to throwing my Atari stuff away? Some wicked stepmother? The cousin that nobody ever mentions?? No. It was my lovely wife!!! I came home from work one day, and she was cleaning the tiny apartment we used to have. She told me she was trying to throw things away and asked if I needed any of the old junk in the boxes behind the door because she was going to get rid of it. That's right, my childhood 2600 and games!!! :x We still go to counseling about this.

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Well my grandma kept the old 7800 in the closet for years and then when I grew up she gave it to me. I guess it was the opposite. However, all the hookups were lost and I am still cheap to get new ones.


I also found a brand new Nintendo just sitting in the shed. Without that, I would have had nothing to do at college.

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That's right, my childhood 2600 and games!!! :x   We still go to counseling about this.


That's why I made clear to my girlfriend how much I value my Moby and Atari collection :) I think she got the message, because she bought me an Atari shirt when we were just together. Probably saved me a lot of counceling :P

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Perhaps because my father is a hopeless packrat?


I bet my dad is worse :) We have so much useless stuff around our house it isn't even funny.


But I am glad to say that nothing except my ti994a is gone (and it is probably around here somewhere, I just can't find it)

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Hi, my name is Dave and I gave away my Atari stuff.


I was about 12, I had a Sega Master System and my brother had a NES. I was getting "too old for toys" anyway, so I gave what must have been 75 Atari 2600 games to my cousin.


I wonder if she still has them and would be willing to sell them back.

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My parents figured that since the Atari 5200 system didn't work, they might as well get rid of all of it, cartridges etc.


That's actually what got me started collecting again. I asked about the stuff about 4 years ago, and my mom said it was all gone!


So I credit her with energizing my resolve to collect classic games. I didn't stop at just a 5200...I later got a 2600 and recently a 7800.


If she had not got rid of it, I might not have had as intense an interest in reclaiming it all. But I'm glad I did collect it all...

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AtariLeaf, your story makes me sad. :sad:


Especially the Star Wars stuff. I think I had just about every figure, every playset, every vehicle, etc. I kept most of the boxes too.

Thats all I spent my allowance on when I was a kid.

(My dad bought the atari games)


I think I need some kind of grief counselling.


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