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Not often enough, at least not for the $$ I spend on them all. :ponder: :| I probably turn it on 1-2 times a week, might be 20 minutes, might be on for a few hours or more sometimes. I do sell alot of stuff thou, and I typically will retest out all that stuff before I post auctions, so I'm constantly hooking up & unhooking, & turning on for a quick game here & there, but not as much as I'd like. I think if I ever get my 2600 modded then maybe it can stay hooked up to the tv & it'll get more play time.


I think one problem having too much stuff, it's hard to find time to fit everything in. Right now I have 7 systems hooked up to tv, not counting the GBA adapter or the fact that PS2 can play PS1 games, I have maybe 700-800 games total, which use to be close to 2000, so I've cut back, yet I still have far too many to really play everything. So weeks & months can go by before some systems even get turned on. So most of the time when I need a quick game fix, it's Neo Geo or Arcade Treasures, not always Atari.

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Sometimes daily....sometimes it collects dust for a week. I actually more play via emulator(s), since I'm at the computer all the time...I'll load up cyberstella while I wait for a download and play a little Kaboom, or Missile Command...although mostly I'm checking out the hack(s). There seems to be almost one new per day anymore!

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Probably 3 to 4 times a week on average. Strangely enough as my collection gets bigger it almost seems like I find myself playing less. Maybe it's because it gets harder to acquire new games so it's less often that I have new games to play. I like to think of myself as more player than collector, but I did inherit the collector/packrat gene from both parents so I guess it's inevitable. :)

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I usually rotate which systems I am playing at the time. There will be times when I play Atari every day, and times when I won't even try out new games. I have not played much here lately because there seems to be something wrong with either my controller port or every one of my 20 joysticks. Now that I can't I really want to!

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I like Cosmic Avenger, too, but man, the arcade version is tough!


My time is split on so many different game systems, including emulated game systems on my computer, I haven't totted up the amount of actual time spent on the Atari 2600...the actual one that I own. Just recently got Ms. Pac-Man for it (again) and now waiting to get Centipede.

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Truth be told, I spend a hell of a lot more time talking and reading about Atari on these boards than I do actually playing the games. :ponder:


I guess that I fire up my 7800 on average a couple of times a week. Some weeks more, some weeks less, occasional weeks never at all.

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