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If it's a plasma display - they're very prone to burn-in (despite the note to the contrary on the original Atari box. ;) ) It's not just video games, but any static video image. Even black bars on letterboxed movies can burn in on a plasma display over time. If it's a CRT HD set, it shouldn't be an issue.

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It's a 55" rear projection HDTV.  Yet another reason (besides the money) that I'm glad I didn't get a plasma.

CRT RPTVs have the same problem, because they use three monochrome monitors, and monocrome monitors are MUCH more susceptible to burn-in than color monitors are.


If you got a DLP RPTV, however, than there's nothing to worry about other than that I've heard the projector bulbs are a bit pricey when they burn out after a few years. Still a lot cheaper than a new set.


No way am I getting a plasma what with their high price combined with burn-in problems. I got me a Sony HD-ready 32" 4:3 CRT last year and it does exactly what I need it to do. I now have every video input (including DVI) hooked up to something. 1) laserdisc/DVD S-video 2) front panel (most recently used for a U-matic player) 3) 4-way switch for composite video games 4) 4-way switch for S-video games 5) component for DVD 6) component for HD tuner 7) DVI to computer (480p).


Back to the original topic, I can't see why you'd have any problems with running an old Atari game on an HDTV, as long as you're still using the regular RF or (with a modded console) A/V inputs. Just don't expect to use a Nintendo/Sega automatic RF switch with an unmodded Atari or any other pre-NES console. But these problems have nothing to do with HTDV. And a 16-9 set should have no problem displaying regular NTSC in "windowboxed" mode.


The only issue I can see is if you have a TV which up-converts interlaced to progressive scan, "flickervision" 2600 games should show a venetian blinds effect instead of the flicker. I'm building an S-video mod for my 7800, so I should be able to see this for myself in a few days.

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I've had no trouble running my VCS and my Colecovision on my 51' Hitachi...

I run the Coleco right into the antenna jack on the back, and the Atari thru an extra video in port. (Pov's mod, that is)

Good luck - hope you get it figured out. Really adds an interesting element to the whole Atari experience!

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The only issue I can see is if you have a TV which up-converts interlaced to progressive scan, "flickervision" 2600 games should show a venetian blinds effect instead of the flicker. I'm building an S-video mod for my 7800, so I should be able to see this for myself in a few days.



I always thought that an Atari 2600 always displayed itself in a low-resolution progressive scan 160x192@59.94fps. How would up converting the signal change the flickering effect as in this instance only the resolution is being enhanced?

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