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Cap's 4th of July Marathon


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Yes that's right folks...marathon. No...not the motor oil....no...not me running.


Just me, an Atari 2600 and a bunch of games.


Since we'll probably be at home most of the weekend, I've decided to give it a shot and see what I can do.


I have a combination of loose, boxed and sealed Atari 2600 games somewhere in the neigborhood of 600. It is my plan to play each and every one of those games at least once sometime over the weekend. Of course, this would include breaking that seal on Strategy X, Marine Wars and other sealed games...but hey...I didn't buy them to let them sit on the shelf.


Now what will be interesting is the fact that I need to play nearly 20 games of Combat. Games like that however will not take very long. What may take a long time is some of the games such as Space Invaders which I used to play (and flip) all the time. Then again, I played Kaboom! about 20 times last night and though I was getting better each time (eventually got to about 700+ which isn't my record, but hey...not bad for not having played in a very long time ) and the total playing time was maybe 40 minutes or so. I also popped in Spikes Peak. I had no idea what I was doing (never played it before) so I kept getting killed immediately.


I'll be posting updates as I progess and we'll see if I can make it.


Of course, if things go real well, I'll pull out my 7800 and play all of those games and of course, I still have the supercharger sitting in the closet as well. :)



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I wouldn't break the seals either... i would play it on emulator before breaking em...


You know....I've thought about this a great deal.


The way I see it, is I didn't buy them so they could sit on the shelf and collect dust. I have absolutely no intention of selling them barring some major catastrophic event or when I die.


And unless the stars are aligned just right, a CIB vs CIB Sealed will bring in about the same amount of money.


And then there's one of my favorite pieces of advice I received a few years ago when contemplating a huge purchase:


"When you die, you can't take it (your money) with you. So enjoy it while you have it!"


But who knows? I may change my mind again, but as of now, I plan on playing every game I've got at least once.



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Y tht does bring up an intereesting question.  Wha tabout potty breaks?






There will be potty, food, sleep, and break breaks. :) I think I'm about to sneak out of here, head home and get this show started....



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Well we're underway.


Started out with Kaboom! The game went very fast as I expected. But I managed to put together my best game ever at 1,560.


Next up was Circus Atari. I was fairly decent at this game at one time. But I figured (not counting the night my sister and I played it on Z26 on my laptop which was very difficult) that I hadn't played it in years and might be lucky to get a couple of thousand points. Wouldn't you know it however, that I started getting on a role after my third guy and before I knew it, had flipped the score. I ended up at 11,390....not quite my all-time best I don't think, but certainly not too bad.


To answer a couple of other questions:


There is no set time for each game. I'll just play. If that means, I spend 10 hours playing Circus Atari, then so be it.


For most games, I'll play the first game. But may consider in some of the longer games were I have many many duplicates to play an alternate version or two.


For the games that aren't timed, etc (such as Basic Programming), I'll just write a simple little program and go on. :D


Wish me luck...two are down! :)



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Just played a few more games. Let's see how they turned out.


Mouse Trap (Coleco) - 230

Spikes Peak - 1000 (Lucky considering I had no clue what I was doing)

Ghost Manor - 250 (Another game I didn't know what I was doing)

GI Joe - 420

Cosmic Ark - 16,570

Math Grand Prix - Win

Lost Luggage - 1,380

Golf - 67 (Did I mention that I suck at golf in real life too?)

Solar Fox - 4,700

Star Voyager - 1 (YES..1 :D)


Looks like I might have to go back at some point and actually read the instructions for a few of these games.


Total games played so far: 12



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Just played a few more games. Let's see how they turned out.


Mouse Trap (Coleco) - 230

Spikes Peak - 1000 (Lucky considering I had no clue what I was doing)

Ghost Manor - 250 (Another game I didn't know what I was doing)

GI Joe - 420

Cosmic Ark - 16,570

Math Grand Prix - Win

Lost Luggage - 1,380

Golf - 67 (Did I mention that I suck at golf in real life too?)

Solar Fox - 4,700

Star Voyager - 1 (YES..1 :D)


Looks like I might have to go back at some point and actually read the instructions for a few of these games.


Total games played so far: 12



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Another quick four games...


Mouse Trap (Atari) - 385 Improvement from the 230!

Homerun - 1 (Tied 1 - 1. Gave up a total of 2 hits...1 a homer :()

Homerun - 7 (Won 7 - 0. I don't remember ever scoring this many runs against the computer. If I did, it doesn't happen too often.)

3D Tic-Tac-Toe - Lost


Total Games Played: 16

Total Games Played For The First Time: 9



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