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Hi there!


Official Boulder Dash for 5200


I think Andrew Davie would probably go and write a 2600 port, if someone would sort out the legal stuff for him...





Indeed I would! I've even done a prototype screen or two. I tried to negotiate the rights with FirstStar myself, but the conditions they imposed were too severe for me to realistically consider the project. A shame, really, but that's the way it goes.




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Bristles is a direct conversion of the Atari 8-bit version.


FSS does have the source code to Bristles and probably planned on making a 5200 version at one time, but it was easier for me to just do a conversion of the existing code so thats how it was done.



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Think of it like Thomas J's PAL to NTSC conversions for the 2600.  They're hacks not homebrews.


I agree, it's simply taking the 8-bit version and "porting" it to the 5200, which is nearly identical hardware. Which is not necessarily simple (especially if the game is > 32K), but the bulk of the game code will remain unchanged. And assuming that no new features or added (or removed), I would hesitate to call this a "hack". It's really a port from one platform to another.



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Maybe I used the terms incorrectly. I'm not a computer guy. Hack doesn't have any negative connotations for me. No offense intended to the conversion author(s).


Here's what I thought the terms meant (or the definitions I was using.)


Hack = modification of existing code


Homebrew = coded from scratch

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Yes, you have to be careful of the words you use as this sort of thing has caused problems in the past. The sort of bickering that can go on at AA forums has a way of discouraging people from doing projects like these.


A) This "port" as I would like to call it will be avaliable on the 5200 in cartridge format. Now, we all want more 5200 games right? You can't pop a 8-bit disk into a 5200.


B) Not only is it in cartridge form, and ported to work, it's also OFFICIAL! Now, how many ports to the 5200 or 2600 lately have been "official" certified and legal by the original company?



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Yes, you have to be careful of the words you use as this sort of thing has caused problems in the past. The sort of bickering that can go on at AA forums has a way of discouraging people from doing projects like these.


Odd, I don' t see any bickering in this thread, just people trying to seek clarification on how Bristles should be classified. I'd like to see some evidence that any "bickering" here has discouraged people from "doing projects like these." In fact, I generally see words of encouragement whenever someone embarks on a new 5200 project, including those you have worked on.



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Just check out the old Klax forum. But there are others, just can't think of any at the moment.


You mean where people were encouraging you to improve Klax, which was a conversion of your Tetris game? I saw lots of constructive criticism and if I recall, you took much of it to heart and did make improvements to the game. Is that what you consider bickering?



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I don't know how much the "official" tag really means to me. I'm just happy to get new games, "official" or not. I guess its pretty unique nowadays when most companies that hold the rights to these games are reluctant to give an inch.


To help clarify for me (a noted idiot), exactly what has to happen to "port" a game from the computer to the 5200?

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:?: This is Johns' wife, Pamela~


Albert,... it would seem you would (or should ) know exactly what John was trying to point out. (Especially from someone as creative as John ?)

He may be being a bit sensitive about this issue, but it is his sensitivity and passion for Atari retro anything, especially the so called "step-child" 5200 that he works hard for. He is doing this work for people like you, and your friends.....whether is it perfect or not. (Atari enthusiasts ?) hmm....


Yes, there were some really good thoughts on the Klax issue and he was

very happy, but there was more to it than that and I am sure even you noticed, I did, and I am not into this. He did not want this new issue over the Bristles game to draw into that again. It 'IS' disheartening.....

especially when you put hours into any project with such passion and caring ! I believe if addressed to John the answers could have been properly answered and in terms that everyone could understand. ???


I see several people on your forum with that right kind of perspective and love... and unfortunately, some without.... I appreciate the select few that realize and am grateful - as it allows my husband to further his endeavor for those of you that do appreciate those hours spent....... and love Atari.


As I said, I am not even into this, but support and encourage my husband with his Blessings/gifts - especially to share them, etc. and I am glad most of you do care and feel the same way. But I have to say, I am going to encourage him to 'not' take part in anything petty ? Sorry if this offends anyone, but if it does, you may need to think why it does?

Remember: there is a difference between constructive criticism, asking questions 'without attitude'.... or just plain being petty and/or yapping just to yap. Consideration plays a rather big part here- especially when you are playing this game.


au revoir






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I don't know how much the "official" tag really means to me.  I'm just happy to get new games, "official" or not.  I guess its pretty unique nowadays when most companies that hold the rights to these games are reluctant to give an inch.


To help clarify for me (a noted idiot), exactly what has to happen to "port" a game from the computer to the 5200?

If I recall...

First off is the Atari Computer BIOS.

It doesn't exist in the 5200(the 5200 BIOS is a totally diffrent beast, and far more minimalistic), so any calls to the BIOS have to be completely rewritten.


The input setup is totally diffrent.

You have to convert games from using a keyboard and digital stick to using the 5200's analog stick/phonepad combo.


The hardware addresses are all diffrent.

More a pain in the butt than an actual problem, but it's there.



List pulled from http://www.atariage.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10904

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This is Johns' wife, Pamela~


:lolblue: :lolblue: :lolblue: :lolblue: :lolblue: :lolblue: :lolblue: :lolblue:


No offense, Pamela, but you undermine any argument he could have by stepping in for him. I'm sure he can speak his own mind, and no one knows how he feels or what he thinks better than he does. I do believe he is a grown man. Maybe it's time you let him act like one.

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Dear Mr CVO person;


Is this not a forum anyone can use ? I DO NOT seek permission from my husband nor ask his opinion on my OWN opinions and what I see, think, and feel...... Just as "he" has the right to speak for himself as you say, so do I. he does so quite well ! Your point ? I see none.


I am sorry you feel this way, and feel sorry for you that you in fact think the way you do. This was entirely 'not' about that. and...... (there seems to be a hint of 'dare I say' prejudice that a woman has joined this chatting?) hmm......


It really does seem you have missed the point all together anyway, and... there "IS" no argument, even Albert shall tell you this ? remember?


You may want to re-read what in fact I did write, and not with some kind of insecurity issue or whatver you are harboring. If this in fact did bother you, then you may want to re-think why what I wrote did ?

This is NOT John speaking either, it is me, hello?... A woman,

Get over it....


Sadly, explaining it to you all over again in not in my agenda today....... I am really busy with horses and kids, but your welcome to email me anytime. stardust@dpcomputers.com Maybe a proper introduction would help you with your issues.... ? Then you can properly judge what it is or is not you think my point was.... as you are most certainly lost.


To be bitter at people that are trying to be sincere and geniune can really mark a person, MR. CVO, you may want to consider THAT if you are really needing more to do today. Or maybe making fun of people is something you spend your time (wisely) doing ? Was that your intention ? Unfortunately, I was expecting some 'one' like you to respond

and THAT proves my point.


I apologize to all the other gentlemen on this forum that may stumble upon any of this....... it is all B. S. and most avoidable so I shall do my part.....


At this point, sadly, "shutting down" from here is an option, and one that will be taken with regret and immediately - as I have no time for bickering, name calling, nor game playing, immature behavior followed by unheathly attitudes.......(nor the instructing of ones' life issues.)


I WILL NOT bring this back here, so....I am looking forward to your email.......


P~ ;)


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I am sorry you feel this way, and feel sorry for you that you in fact think the way you do.  This was entirely  'not'  about that. and...... (there seems to be a hint of 'dare I say' prejudice that a woman has joined this chatting?)   hmm......


:lolblue: :lolblue: :lolblue: Yes, there is prejudice going on here b/c you are a woman. Despite the fact that I am a woman bringing up this issue, yes there is prejudice against women. Get a clue. You are the reason why people don't listen when REAL issues come up regarding REAL prejudice against women. Thanks for setting back our gender about 50 years. But wait, I digress...


It really does seem you have missed the point all together anyway, and... there "IS" no argument,  even Albert shall tell you this ? remember?


You may want to re-read what in fact I did write, and not with some kind of insecurity issue or whatver you are harboring.   If this in fact did bother you, then you may want to re-think why what I wrote did ?

This is NOT John speaking either,  it is me, hello?... A woman,

Get over it....    


:lolblue: :lolblue: :lolblue: I get it, I get it, you are a woman! And so am I! And we are moving on because you bring up a moot point! I don't care if you were a woman, an elephant, or an elephant-sized woman (so are you?). Stop pulling crap out of your ass to argue with and maybe you will look less like an idiot.


Sadly,  explaining it to you all over again in not in my agenda today.......  I am really busy with horses and kids, but your welcome to email me anytime.   stardust@dpcomputers.com     Maybe a proper introduction would help you with your issues.... ?   Then you can properly judge what it is or is not you think my point was.... as you are most certainly lost.


Yes yes, you are a woman busy with horses and kids, we get it. *yawn* i am a woman who is busy with work and family and dogs. We get your points in your post, but I think you miss the point that John is a man who can speak for himself. Let John speak for himself. Or do you only let him wear the pants twice a week on weeknights?


At this point,  sadly,  "shutting down" from here is an option, and one that will be taken with regret and immediately - as I have no time for bickering, name calling, nor game playing, immature behavior followed by unheathly attitudes.......(nor the instructing of ones' life issues.)


*yawn yawn yawn* I'd like to hear from John, not from John's mom. I mean, his wife. Until then I'm bored and am taking what you say with a grain of salt at best. Wake me up when he finds his cajones and can speak his mind without you jumping into the fray.

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Well, it's unfortunate that John is apparently so sensitive to constructive criticism regarding his games that he wouldn't continue what I thought was a reasonable discussion. And I still don't understand how discussing the classification of a game ("homebrew", "hack", "port", etc.) is "bickering", but whatever.


This discussion has degenerated enough and I am locking it.



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