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Video Arcade II controllers


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What does everyone think of these? I only have one that I use with my VAII, and I can't say I'm overly impressed with it. The paddle function seems to work properly, but the joystick needs to be constantly realigned in order to work properly. Also, the buttons have to be pushed in VERY hard in order to respond. Are most VAII controllers like that, or is mine just a dud?


I really like this controller, it's just a shame it doesn't work properly.

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I have only played my VAII system twice, but I have had no real problems with the controllers other than the fact that I don't like the way they feel. There is a person on ebay who always has pairs of these controllers for sale with a bid price of $19.00 if you want to get some more.


:ponder: :thumbsdown: :)

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There is a person on ebay who always has pairs of these controllers for sale with a bid price of $19.00 if you want to get some more.


If you are referring to Videogames.org, I tried to buy a pair of Video Arcade II controllers from them back in November. I sent them the $20, but they never sent my controllers, even after several emails (to which they respond with unhelpful and frustrating auto-emails). :| :x


So that's the sad tale of my $20 down the crapper. Beware of Videogames.org on ebay.

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