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Is there an adapter that lets you play 5200 games on 7800?..


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That one goes the other way, lets you play 7800 games on a 5200. The difficulty switches are the easiest way to tell.


He he he. Yea, your right. That's what happens when your tired. Although it really doesn't matter because it's just a preliminear design that probably doesn't work anyways. Plus you'd have to build it.



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He he he. Yea, your right. That's what happens when your tired. Although it really doesn't matter because it's just a preliminear design that probably doesn't work anyways. Plus you'd have to build it.

Yep, it seems to be missing a few things... like the boot ROM. I've always said the ROM was unnecessary for an emulator, but forcing the user to manually flip a switch is going a bit too far. It also seems to be lacking the INPTCTRL latch, in favor of the mode switch.


It looks suspiciously leaner than the final design used in the 7800, so it must have been based on an earlier version of the 7800 design. The resolution of that picture is a bit too low to see everything that's going on.

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