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Problem with 2600 unit: no picture, only weird static

Exorcism Tongs

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I just got a 2600 unit (model "CX-2600A" with 4 switches and woodgrain panels) and a bunch of games off eBay, hoping to get in on this Atari collecting stuff. The auction description said that the unit was "in working order". It came with a newer RF switch (this kind) with coaxial outputs, so I figured I didn't need anything else to hook it up to my TV (75/300 ohm adapters and crap like that). I hooked up all the cables, switched the RF switch to "GAME", switched my TV and the little switch on the 2600 to channel 2, plugged in a game cartridge, and turned it on, but the game didn't come up. There was a very noticable change in the static when the 2600 was on though. I tried a few other cartridges, and they also produced slightly differing changes in the static.


However, I bought this thing to play games, not to look at wacky patterns of black and white dots. What could be wrong with it? I see and hear a little blue spark when I plug the power connector into the back, so I don't think the power supply's dead. Since the TV is displaying different patterns of static for each game, I'm pretty sure that the console's at least trying to send some sort of picture to the screen. And since I'm able to switch between my regular TV signal and the wacky static patterns with the TV/GAME switch, I don't think it's the RF switch.


The seller has 99.4% positive feedback on eBay, so I don't think he knowingly sent me a nonworking system, but there's always a possibility. Is there something stupid and obvious that I might be doing wrong? Or could something possibly be broken, and if so how would I fix/replace it?

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I thought the 2600 only used channels 3 and 4.  Did you even TRY your TV on a channel other than 2?
The little switch definitely says "CHANNEL 2-3". Switching it to channel 3 and putting my TV on channel 3 has the same results as with channel 2: static. If I put my TV on channel 4, nothing seems to happen regardless of what the Atari is set to.
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Check your TV's video setting.  Are you in S-video? or one of the other video settings?


My atari works in the VCR "video" setting on the TV, not in DBS or Channel 3


The TV I'm using doesn't have any RCA/S-Video inputs, just a coaxial VHF input and a double-screw UHF input; there's no video setting.

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Update: I opened up the 2600, unplugged the video cable from the circuit board, and plugged another RCA cable in there and hooked that up to the RF switch. The picture was still static. I then tried something different: I plugged an NES RF switch onto the circuit board and hooked that up to my TV. I turned it on and a fuzzy rendition of Pitfall was on my TV screen (fuzzy of course because the Atari isn't strong enough for the NES auto switch). This obviously narrowed down my problem to the RF switch, so hopefully the adapter I ordered will get it working.

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