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Atari 5200 newbie questions

Robert M

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Hello, I am thinking of starting to collect Atari 5200 things, and I have some questions. First, what is this RF converter thing, and do I have to have one to hook up a 5200? Here is an example from ebay:




Second question: Should I try to get a 2 port or a 4 port system? How many games support 4 player simultaneous play? Is one better/more-reliable than the other?



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Hello,  I am thinking of starting to collect Atari 5200 things, and I have some questions.   First, what is this RF converter thing, and do I have to have one to hook up a 5200?   Here is an example from ebay:




A 4-port system HAS to have that switch box.

But it won't work at all with a 2-port.


If you're wondering why... 4-port systems recieve tehir power through the antenna wire. The AC adapter plugs into the switch box.


2-ports are set up like a more normal system.



Second question:  Should I try to get a 2 port or a 4 port system?   How many games support 4 player simultaneous play?    Is one better/more-reliable than the other?    



The 4-port plays 3 more games, due to 2-port changes.


Personally, I prefer the 4-port. The auto-switchbox is nice.

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Hi there,


1) That RF converter is specifically for 4-port Atari 5200 models, and won't work with the 2-port models. You plug a cord from the power supply straight to this converter in addition to the cord running from the 5200 to this same converter. Some people say they don't like this, but I think it's easier than having to reach behind your TV and turn the switch of the older converter (such as the 2600's, which is also used on the 2-port 5200) from "TV" to "Game."


2) Atari only officially released one game that would support 4-players (one at a time): Super Breakout. Last time I checked, there wasn't a line forming to play that game at my house. It is also VERY difficult and EXPENSIVE to mantain four fully functional (there's a tounge-twister) controllers. However, this may be easier now with some new products from Best Electronics. Additionally, the VCS adapter (a neat item to collect) won't work on the 4-port models.


Having said all of this, I've found myself wanting a 4-port again. This is mostly due to some homebrews and protos made available recently. Asteroids (available here at the AtariAge store), Combat II and Castle Crisis ("Warlords"), to my knowledge, allow for up to 4-player simultaneous play! The latter looks like a very enjoyable 4-player game as well (I recently got my wife's cousins hooked on the 2600 version, and this 5200 version looks like even more fun).


I've also read that a few games work on the 4-port that are incompatible with the 2-port. Pitfall! (not Pitfall II) is one of them, and I think Mountain King might've been as well. I've heard that K-Razy Shoot-Out (very hard to find) has this same problem, but it worked fine on my 2-port, actually.


So, here's all that again:


Only will need two functioning sticks (save some $$$).

VCS adapter is compatible.


You have to mess with that %*$#@% switch behind the TV every time you want to play.

A few games are incompatible.

You'll never get to play 4-player Super Breakout, Asteroids, Combat II or Castle Crisis.



You'll never get to play my 4-player sports games I plan to make and release in 2018 when I finally learn how to program for the system! By that time, those earlier-discussed RF converters will need two other converters just so you can hook it up to the TV's in the next decade.


Hope all of this helps...

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Hi again,


The main thing that goes bad in the joysticks is called the "flex circuit." The reason this happens is because the fire, start/pause/reset, and keypad buttons all have carbon dots which make contact with this flex circuit when you press a button. And, when you do this, just a little more carbon rubs off and stays on the circuit. Eventually, you're left with your circuits completely covered with the stuff, and unable to function correctly.


Best Electronics www.best-electronics-ca.com recently made some changes to Atari's flawed controller: They made some new parts with gold contacts instead of carbon. So, you can save yourself a lot of trouble by installing all new buttons with these gold contacts. There's also an option to buy a new flex circuit with all gold whatevers as well. This all gets expensive, but the actual repair isn't too bad once you get the hang of it. And it should make your controllers last for a long time.


Another option is to send your controllers to someone here named MrRetroGamer, who is rumored to be pretty good at making them work very well (I think he uses aluminum somehow...never tried that method).


As far as the actual joystick part of the controller goes, they usually work for a long time. Now and then you might want to replace something called a "rubber boot," which fits around the base of the stick. This thing is more cosmetic than useful: I think it was partly designed to help the stick center, but even a new boot doesn't really do a whole lot better.


Good luck on starting your 5200 collection, though. It really is a great system with some great games.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm new to the 5200 as well. I've been collecting and playing 2600 games for some time now, and recently acquired both a 2 port and a 4 port. Which is more common? I only have room to display one right now, so if one is less common, I'd like to have it on my display shelf. Also, how do I tell if the 4 port is one that is compatible with the 2600 adapter or are all 4 ports incompabible? Thanks all.



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And doesn't the Warlords homebrew support 4 players?


I have the 4 port because thats what was available!! And the unique

switchbox is actually quite a cool device. Once you've used it you'll

understand 8) Its just one of the many deluxe features that was put

into the 5200. I'm glad I got it instead of the two port, even though I

only have one joystick.

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