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Castlevania SotN: Form of Mist issues?

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I'm playing SotN (erased old games and started fresh, got great stats by not getting hit by Dracula once during the opening battle) and just got the Form of Mist item that allows Alucard to transform into mist to pass grates and enemies. I push the button for it, I transform but then I immeditely revert back like I'm out of MP or something. Wolf works fine.


Has anyone else had this problem? Is there an item I forgot about or something?? Please help.

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Oh wait, no, that won't do it. I think you've got the early version of Form of Mist. You can ONLY use it to pass through grates, not to escape enemies or explore stages. To use this, you'll need to push up against the grate WHILE transforming... keep pressing the D-pad toward the grate when you press the button and you should slip through it just before returning to solid form.



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You can only turn into a mist momentarily. To pass a grate I had to

get a running start and turn into a mist right when I reached it and

it would let me pass through befor the power wears off. I think there

is a "power of mist" item which lets you stay in mist form as long as

you have MP left. Then near the end of the game that turns your

mist cloud poisonous. You can kill just about anything without

getting hit that way, so it makes the gqame a bit easy, but it's fun

to play around with. SoTN is a great game! Too bad I gave away

my copy--I've never seen another one at a reasonable price since.


--The Eidolon

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what a wonderful game. I bring it out and play it about once a year. Probably one of the best games I have ever played.


When you get to the Castle Keep, you will find the Mist Book that will allow you to stay in Mist form (you'll need to be a bat to find it), but until then, the transformation is only momentary and you'll have to be right up against the wall you wish to pass through to use it. :)

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