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How to take apart an Atari made cartridge?


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I happen to have acquired two carts for the 2600, both are carts with a three position switch on the front, one is an Activision style cart, the other an Atari style cart. The Activision cart has three games on it, Mousetrap, Air Raiders & Plaque Attack. The Atari cart has Spider Fighter, some version of Amidar but with hacked graphics, and an unknown game that doesn't work. I'd like to open the Atari case to check the wiring and setting of the chips but the way those Atari carts are designed I've had trouble doing it. Can anyone describe for me how to take this apart safely?


Digi Press didn't have info on this in their book, so these are probably bootlegs.

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Actually the screw has been removed, but they won't come apart, the end with the cart label doesn't want to seperate.  Just as I feared, it wouldn't be easy.


You should go download the Cuttle Cart 2 manual and look at the section called "Installing the Pokey" which describes how to take an atari cart apart (there are 6 plastic clips on the front shell, and the back snaps over those) It will be a little more difficult to take it apart without ripping the end label, but you should be able to.


Page with CC2 manual (it is PDF of course)

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Actually the screw has been removed, but they won't come apart, the end with the cart label doesn't want to seperate.  Just as I feared, it wouldn't be easy.


You should go download the Cuttle Cart 2 manual and look at the section called "Installing the Pokey" which describes how to take an atari cart apart (there are 6 plastic clips on the front shell, and the back snaps over those) It will be a little more difficult to take it apart without ripping the end label, but you should be able to.


Page with CC2 manual (it is PDF of course)


When I took one of mine apart, here's what I did:


1. Remove screw

2. Hold cart in left hand....squeezing in just a little bit.

3. With right hand, insert fingers on the front of the cart on the left hand side and turn.


So what do I mean by number 3? If you remember the old TV dials, you can think of it that way.


I dunno...it worked for me as I repeated that same process on another cart. Not only did I get them open, but was able to do so without ripping the end label.



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Hmm hang on did any one miss what he said? "and a unknown game"


Could you try and take a screen picture of this? It may be a lost game that

bootleggers managed to get thier hands on.


Also does the amidar game have a spider instead of the amidar as the main character?

If so then this hack is on the TV Boy. ;)

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To open M-Network carts, you need a flat screwdrive and insert it under the plastic on top of one of the tabs that holds it together,slide that side out, and do the same on the other side, wiggle it back and fourth untill it comes out. Then you can put the chip back into the holder, and slide it back into place untill you hear a snap or too of the tabs catching back on. Be sure to be careful, as you could poke a hole in your finger!!

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That's why I wanted to open the cart....cause the game didn't work. Chips are labeled though. Screen is black, sometimes a vertical bar is across the screen. Ain't no way to tell WHAT it is without opening it. And I can't get the darn thing open! Hands ain't strong enough to squeeze it open...BLEH!

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Hands ain't strong enough to squeeze it open...BLEH!


Make sure you are squeezing the front half of the cart and pulling out on the side of the back half. You can be pretty rough with it, as long as it isn't an eprom reader or somehting with wires on the inside.


I actually broke one of the 6 tabs off of my CC2 when taking it apart to the pokey in, but it was in the middle of the cart so it really doesn't affect it staying together.

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