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Too many Ataris?


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How many Ataris would this place say is too much? 10, 20, none? I have started another endeavor and I wanted people's opinion on how many Atari consoles are too many be it 2600, 5200, or 7800. I posted this here because this seems to be the most beloved system.

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In my personal collection I have 2 Heavy Sixers (one for show and the other for testing), 2 Sears video arcades, 2 Vader Systems, 1 Woodgrain 4 switch, 1 2600 Jr., and three 7800 all with expansion ports. I only have 113 games though. I have more sega genesis equipment than that though :( !

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Too meny is roughly the number of systems and clones built - all the ones in the atari collecting community already... or worse yet the number of syste3ms and clones created, too bad for everyone here... *That* would be too many.

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a collector should reasonably go for one of each 2600 model...4 switch, darth, various telegames, clones and so on. its also reasonable to have boxed, mint or backup consoles you dont use. a few fixer upper project consoles and testbed consoles are sensible too... just dont become like the collector i cleaned out one time, the guy had over 20 VCS just gathering dust in his basement and a like number of other consoles, in the end it just got too much for him. besides its much better to spread the love, give away that unused console and create another atari addict.

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I don't understand the question.


If you want one 2600, then one is the right number for you. If you want ten thousand sitting in your barn, then that's the right number. If you don't want any damn video games, then you shouldn't own any.


You don't have to collect everyhting. You don't have to collect anything. So what's the point here?

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Maybe the question has to do with how meny is it before someone crosses the line, or maybe it was just a topic that was bouncing around in his/her head. :wink:


I think one of each type would be too meny for me but I cant pass them up for $5-8 which is what all but the heavy 6ers have been around here in the last couple weeks.


I have:


1 Sears heavy 6er

2 Atari heavy 6ers

1 Atari light 6er

1 Atari 4 switch woodgrain

1 Atari 2600 4 switch

1 7800 (not first run)


1 (2 port) 5200 on the way

1 7800 (not even sure what model or if its mod or not) on the way.


The two four switches I got for one for 5$ and the "2600" for $8 dollars

the 1 Heavy sixer and sears heavy sixer for free... :love: :D 8)



It has do do with if anything else is being left out of life or enjoyment.

It has to do with sensiable collecting and insanity.

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Man, yall get some good deals! The original heavy sixer I use for testing it the one I bought when this stuff was "cutting edge." The rest I have purchased at flea markets and such, never for those low of prices. The Vader system I purchased recently had 29 games, the system, RF switch, power pack, and 4 controllers. I paid nothing for it because I traded 5 Megadeth CDs for it. Today at our local flea market I picked up 12 games for 6 bucks, nothing special in the lot, a few 7800s and a 5200 game, but every "classic" system I see they want between $20. - $100. I say how’s about 10 and I get some and the others say no. The best purchase I ever made was a packaged NES with box manual all original stuff and even receipt and Styrofoam inserts. It also came with my other heavy sixer. The grand total for all of that was 30 dollars. I do have a good collection though my next endeavor is to collect all of Activison's games.





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Hi there!


I think I have downsized my gear to 6-7 2600 consoles by now. I have a Jr. and a 6'er set up and ready to play, the rest I keep as replacements. I used to have at least twice as many, but they've been taking soo much space...


I'm quite happy now, yet a 7800 and the Expansion Module 2 are still on my wishlist...




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