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Are 2600 Items still trademarked?


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I was wondering if the old 2600 items like box art or screenshots were still copyright protected, or even pictures of a atari 2600.


I know the Mt Fugi logo is still in use, anyone have a clue what it would cost to licence that for a product?

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Infogrames is not part of Hasbro. Infogrames bought out Hasbro Interactive then renamed itself to Atari.


I think they may have kept some of the old Hasbro Interactive offices and personnel in the US but that's it.


I don't really think they care about people scanning old artwork as long as it isn't being used to make money off of it (i.e. fair-use).

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Infogrames is an evil tyrant of a company. Hasbro (the lovely company that made Star Wars Action Figures) would gladly let you use the emblem or artwork from "classic" items. Hasbro figures that it made all of its money off the Atari name way back when and sold all of it and its rights in the Hasbro Interactive Bundle. Infogrames had to pay a pretty penny for the bundle and it just so happens that Atari was in the bundle, therefore Satan’s minions (Infogrames) says that they hold all right exclusively to them and no one else even though they never purchased the Hasbro bundle because of the Atari contents. Hasbro released information about "Old Ataris" Jaguar the newest of its old models, yet Infogrames (the new owners to Atari's licenses and copyrights) will not release information about a 8-bit processing unit 120 bits behind anything today and 20 years old to boot. They like pissing people off and will until the time comes that someone has something that they want, then comes the puppy dogface.


Though I did hear that Infogrames is no more and it is solely called Atari Games today, yet it is nowhere near the Atari we know and love. If you want Atari, you are up a creek.



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