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Journey Escape


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Yep. Drugs and video games never mixed. I never saw any metal heads in the old arcades selling/doing drugs. Nope' date=' never.


Nope, no one has ever gotten high and played video games. No siree. Never happened.[/quote']


i'm glad i never hung out at the wrong arcades! i always thought that was a wives tale, as wrong as videogames cause kids to go on a shooting rampage. i have not shot anyone.........yet! :D


i never said drugs and videogames don't mix, just the ones that liston to AC-DC/kiss and do drugs. (atleast from the kids i knew!) every time i would try to talk about Videogames they would look at me weird. (then again maybe it was the drugs that caused that) :ponder: then again maybe not. :?


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As a side note, someone did make a "Motley Crue" video game.


For the Sega Genesis.


It was called Crue Ball and featured Motley Crue Music to a pinball game.


(And now Britney Spears has a few Game Boy and Nintendo)

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funny, people i knew back in high school (80's) that loved AC/DC and kiss, was too busy taking drugs not playing videogames!




LOL! :lolblue: I was thinking the exact same thing!


Too many parents probably heard the secret meaning of the band's names for AC/DC (Against Christ Devil's Children) and Kiss (Kids in Satan's Service) for game companies to consider licensing them.


The Journey arcade machine actually had a tape in it that played "Separate Ways" when you reached the bonus stage. That was kind of fun.

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Too many parents probably heard the secret meaning of the band's names for AC/DC (Against Christ Devil's Children) and Kiss (Kids in Satan's Service) for game companies to consider licensing them.  



You mean that is NOT what the bands' acronyms stand for? ;)


I thought it was Anti-Christ/Devil's Child.... :D

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I'm still bothered by the fact that no one can identify the other song. Did Data Age just pretend that they used two Journey songs? Shouldn't the Journey message board fans be able to recognize even a poor emulation. Wouldn't some magazine have noted at the time that one of the songs was bogus? I need to know these things.

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If you don't care for Escape, why not play Revolution X and listen to Aerosmith? Or, if you can find it, play the Guns N' Roses pinball game. My college used to have them both in the rec center (along with Ms. Pac Man). I used to go every Wednesday between class to get in a few games.


I liked Revolution X so much that I bought it when it came out on the computer. Now that I know how to beat it, it don't play it that much, but still great playing a game to "Eat the Rich"

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This was on a Journey Fan Page... nothing about a second song...

In 1982, following the success of the Escape album, Journey and Data Age Inc. released a fun playing game for the Atari 2600. With it's release Journey became the first rock band to cross over to into the video game industry.


The main plot of the game involved getting all five members from the concert stage to their Scarab Escape Vehicle. To get them there you must guide them past hordes of Love-Crazed Groupies and other backstage obstacles. A computerized version of Don't Stop Believin plays in the background.

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Another Journey site says:


Don't Stop Believin':


Used in the 1982 Atari video game "Journey Escape." This played in the background while you controlled various band members, helping them find the space ship while avoiding groupies and evil promoters. Computer graphics were pretty bad back then, so the groupies were represented as hearts with legs, and the promoters were floating heads.


According to this, the only song played is Don't Stop Believin'

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This site has a whole interview with the band about the game...

Still says the same thing...

It's just 'Don't Stop Believin'




"Basically, I think what's unique about Escape, the concept, is that it's non-violent," says Valory. "There's no warfare involved, or monsters. It's not Berserk."


The object of Escape is to get the band members, one by one, from the backstage area to the waiting escape vehicle. Each band member starts his journey with $50,000, but along the way is delayed by all sorts of people who want to touch him, talk business with him, take pictures of him, take money from him, and make him miss his limo. If he misses his limo he presumably is doomed to spend the rest of his life backstage. A computerised version of the intro to the Journey hit "Don't Stop Believin" accompanies your entire video game adventure. Your player is constantly running up the screen, working against the clock to find the escape vehicle, and unless he connects with a roadie or manager for help, he's going to lose a lot of cash. After the heat that Journey has taken from the press over the years, I'm surprised they didn't include a rock critic to harass them in Escape.

"We should have had one," Cain laughs. "We should have, doggone it," Valory adds, reaching across the hardwood table to pick up a telephone.

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Okay, we're getting somewhere. I tried in every way possible to visualize the other song as a piece of DSB but it's not. So apparently the programmer threw in an incredibly annoying song for no clear reason.


Reall, how hard would it have been to "ding" up the chorus to Stone In Love?

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Someone should do a hack of this game. Turn the hearts on the groupies into flame. Turn the cameras into pyrotechnic bursts. Turn the roadies into fire extinguishers. Change "Don't Stop Believin" to "Once Bitten, Twice Shy."


Great White Escape

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So do any of you Journay fans know the name of the other song in the 2600 game?


yeah I told you I'd tell you. I just have to play the game first. I'll do it tonight :D


I saw AC DC Open up for Journey Yes I said open up for them IN around 1978 Man ACDC Kicked ass. Then Journey came on. I mean what did you excpect happend In San Anotnio Heavy Metal Capital of the US I sit down and started mellowing out I actually was enjoying it. NO AC DC but was still good. The crowd went into mass heasteria and started booing and chanting and thowing shit. LMFAO After about 3 songs Steve Perry Said fuck You SA will never play here again. They didnt either for about 5 years. I went and saw them agian then. What a babe fest. I actually met a some lady there and had a great time. I hadnt got that lucky since the time I went the the Rod Stwart concert that all my head bannger buds wouldnt go After they heard the stoires I told, they all wanted to go to his next concert. LOL Ahh the good old days. :D

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So do any of you Journay fans know the name of the other song in the 2600 game?


yeah I told you I'd tell you. I just have to play the game first. I'll do it tonight :D


I saw AC DC Open up for Journey Yes I said open up for them IN around 1978 Man ACDC Kicked ass. Then Journey came on. I mean what did you excpect happend In San Anotnio Heavy Metal Capital of the US I sit down and started mellowing out I actually was enjoying it. NO AC DC but was still good. The crowd went into mass heasteria and started booing and chanting and thowing shit. LMFAO After about 3 songs Steve Perry Said fuck You SA will never play here again. They didnt either for about 5 years. I went and saw them agian then. What a babe fest. I actually met a some lady there and had a great time. I hadnt got that lucky since the time I went the the Rod Stwart concert that all my head bannger buds wouldnt go After they heard the stoires I told, they all wanted to go to his next concert. LOL Ahh the good old days. :D


Dont leave, hhwolfman like Steve Perry left Journey.... :sad:

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So do any of you Journay fans know the name of the other song in the 2600 game?


yeah I told you I'd tell you. I just have to play the game first. I'll do it tonight :D


I saw AC DC Open up for Journey Yes I said open up for them IN around 1978 Man ACDC Kicked ass. Then Journey came on. I mean what did you excpect happend In San Anotnio Heavy Metal Capital of the US I sit down and started mellowing out I actually was enjoying it. NO AC DC but was still good. The crowd went into mass heasteria and started booing and chanting and thowing shit. LMFAO After about 3 songs Steve Perry Said fuck You SA will never play here again. They didnt either for about 5 years. I went and saw them agian then. What a babe fest. I actually met a some lady there and had a great time. I hadnt got that lucky since the time I went the the Rod Stwart concert that all my head bannger buds wouldnt go After they heard the stoires I told' date=' they all wanted to go to his next concert. LOL Ahh the good old days. :D[/quote']


Dont leave, hhwolfman like Steve Perry left Journey.... :sad:[/quote


Hey Breackpack. Welocme back You were missed. :roll: ]

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