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Codebreaker error label-What's it say under the tape?


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I got a picture label Codebreaker over the weekend. It's the '86 release "Code Breaker" spelling variation with black tape over the "use with...." line. I didn't notice the tape until I got home and at first was disappointed because I thought the previous owner had stuck something to the label. It wasn't until I checked the big list of label variations that I discovered I had a kind of cool find.


So has anyone ever checked underneath the tape? I figure they probably just goofed and put joystick controllers instead of keyboard. If it's just something boring like that I'll leave it on, but if some disgruntled employee managed to slip in something like "Tramiel is a Jackass" ---I'm peeling that sucker off! :P ;)


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As far as I know..that is exactly what the tape is covering. It either says for use with joystick controllers, or for use with paddle controllers up there. Both have been found on multiple carts that have tape like this at the top. And in usual Trameil cheap fashion, rather than trash the labels and reprint new ones, they just stuck some black tape to cover it and leave nothing there. Afterall, you have the manual and those were at least correct on which controller type you needed.


Kinda sad really how the Q&A group was almost non-exhistent at Atari during this time apparently.



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No, for a number of reasons.


The paper labels can't be removed so easily.


The cost of setting up a print job are really expensive. Depending on the size of the run, it might be cost prohibitive to redo it.


They would also need to provide the raw materials for that run...and all the manpower to do all of the above.

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true, I suppose, but you still have to pull existing man-power off their current job to cut the stickers, and place the stickers. Plus, how late in the game was the boo-boo caught? Did they yank them from boxes or straight off the line?


Can setting up a print be THAT expensive for something you pretty much already print? And it may cost a few extra man-hours here and there, but you already have the existing labor force who already do this very job. They just may need to work a few extra hours?

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I strongly doubt that those stickers were placed by hand. Those could have easily been cut and stuck by a machine, which would make it a far cheaper and less wasteful option than re-doing the labels.


Can setting up a print be THAT expensive for something you pretty much already print?
Hell yes, especially back then. Many companies and many products offered the fun of blacked-out or overstuck labels. You still see it occasionally today.
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Thanks for all the replies. It's finding out funny little things like this that keep the hobby interesting to me. So is this variation pretty much as equally common as any of the other picture label Codebreakers?


Hell yes, especially back then. Many companies and many products offered the fun of blacked-out or overstuck labels. You still see it occasionally today.


Now that you mention it, seems like I've noticed something like this on the box of my Sega 32x. I think I've got one of the later releases after they decided it wasn't compatible with the CDX so they put a sticker over parts of it.

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I have picture label Surround that has a black tape strip like this across the label.


I've also seen this type of thing on some of my Star Wars figure packages from the Episode 1 line( a black sticker covering where it said "Choking hazard" or something. )



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