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Another River Raid II question


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This one's a bit different from the other recent RRII post. I got the game this past weekend, plugged it in and hit the power. The game came on, but the picture rolled, then the game would play on its own, but erratically. The plane would crash for no reason, the explosion sound wouldn't stop, and the game was generally messed up.


So, I cleaned it and tried it again. This time, it did the same thing, but after leaving it on for a few minutes, the rolling stopped and I was able to sort of play, although my first plane always crashed for no reason.


After a few games, I was able to get the first plane off the carrier -- the game now worked perfectly!


Has anyone heard of a game having to "warm up" before playing correctly? That seems to be what's happening here, although I've never seen that kind of behavior on an Atari 2600 game before.


Any thoughts?

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I actually posted this a month or two ago and everyone said theirs worked fine. Now I see this ! ! !


Mine does the same thing as yours on my six switch, but works fine on my 4 switch and 7800.


Wonder what the deal is with that ?



Until I tried it on my 4 switch I thought it may have been PAL.

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As I posted last week. mine does not work on my heavy sixer, but plays wonderfully on the 4 switch. I think the game was programmed in mind of the 4 switch. Too bad - I'm not giving up my heavy sixer for 1 game. I'll sell my RRII when the market goes back up in a few months.

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