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Homebrew WIP's progress report?


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I'd love to know what is currently happening with the following, much anticipated Homebrews that are WIP.


A-VCS-tech Challenge




Homestar Runner RPG


Robot City (come on, Thomas, you MUST be in back in the groove by now! ;) )


Tree Hugger (wasn't Billy Eno laughing about this one in the hotel at Philly?)



Thanks to any who are in the know.


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Well Stan, I'm not sure if it's *much anticipated* :) but I'm making good progress on my *not officially announced* RS Hockey game.


PS It was nice finally getting to meet the legend (you) at Philly 5!   :D




I think once more people hear about your hockey game and see screenshots it will be more anticipated. Lots of Activision Ice Hockey, hockey videogame, and real hockey fans on this board. Me included :D

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OH WOW! Yes, please! I remember the rumblings of a RS Hockey awhile back, but I had NO IDEA it was in progress!


Looks great! Do you have a ETA on it yet? Will we see it before the end of the year? The race for HB of the Year is getting so tight, I don't know how I'm going to pick just one!


There was a legend at Philly 5? Shucks, I must have been in the bathroom and missed it. I'll bet it was just Curt Vendel again, that guy is always a classic. ;) :D


thanks for the kind words and keep up the GREAT WORK! :)

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 Lots of Activision Ice Hockey, hockey videogame, and real hockey fans on this board.  Me included  :D


Thats because its the best sport in the world, eh!



Yeah, us Tampa Bay fans know that well :D


Well at least until we win another Super Bowl. :P

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OH WOW!  Yes, please!  I remember the rumblings of a RS Hockey awhile back, but I had NO IDEA it was in progress!


Yup - I started this thing way back in March of 2003 for about a month, one thing led to another, and it was almost 14 months before I started up again.


Looks great!  Do you have a ETA on it yet?  Will we see it before the end of the year?  The race for HB of the Year is getting so tight, I don't know how I'm going to pick just one!


ETA right now is Philly 6 (so March 2005), but maybe by December for HB of the year consideration (ha ha). I'm still in the proof-of-concept phase and I have many plans for this game but once I've decided on what I'll be able to squeak in (I'm thinking the game will be 8K right now - I've already burned 2K just implementing the rink and scrolling, the scoreboard/clock and the puck movement!).


I'll keep you posted and thanks for the words of encouragement!

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I'd love to know what is currently happening with the following, much anticipated Homebrews that are WIP.


A-VCS-tech Challenge


The status (and a new demo-file) was posted here: http://www.atariage.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=53745


I hope to find the time to finish AC within the next few months, it's not too much work left (if I remember correct :D).




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OH WOW!  Yes, please!  I remember the rumblings of a RS Hockey awhile back, but I had NO IDEA it was in progress!


Yup - I started this thing way back in March of 2003 for about a month, one thing led to another, and it was almost 14 months before I started up again.

That's how it went for me too...but stick with it! Looks like it has lots of potential.

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Also maybe not anticipated but I'm working on game balancing features of ChargeField (Lynx). Work getting bogged down and only 6 weeks left for the minigame competition this year...doing my best to get it out there.


Anyway, levels will be distinguished by paddle sizes, and particle frequency, speed and weight.



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Working on the battle kernel right now for H*R.  It's a real pain, but I think it's going to turn out pretty cool.  I'll post screenshots soon when I got something good to show.

Awesome...thanks to the popularity of H*R, this game is undoubtedly THE MOST ANTICIPATED ATARI 2600 GAME IN THE HISTORY OF HOMEBREWS. It has an outside-the-hobby-buzz that we've never seen before. Heck, I was delighted to see your name in that little Wired sidebar about this project...


Based on the kernal help you gave me, which is a nice way of saying kernal you wrote for me, I'd say you're just the man for the job. (The idea of using a duplicated player graphic overlaying the screen edge combined with the skills to get the timing just right...you da man, man. No way I could've gotten JoustPong to do that without flicker.)

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Robot City (come on, Thomas, you MUST be in back in the groove by now! ;) )

Sure, but I am working on many other projets too. I just have to finish a few others first.


I'm going to find the people who organize that pesky Mini-game competition and punch them in the nose! All the best programmers are always off working on that and not the HB's we all so desperately crave!!! :x :D



Paul, what are the odds of a HR:RPG release before 2005???

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I'm going to find the people who organize that pesky Mini-game competition and punch them in the nose!  All the best programmers are always off working on that and not the HB's we all so desperately crave!!! :x  :D

I am sure you know Cave1K and Splatform 2600 wouldn't exist without that great compo. :)

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yes, I realize this, but a lot of other FULL games are going incomplete as well.  Is it a fair trade off, who knows?   :?  :?  :?

Actually those 1K minigames made me start coding again. And it added a new "dimension" to 2600 programming, thus increasing the fun for me (and that's what I had missed most last year).


Sure, it distracts me from other projects, but it also makes sure I don't get bored too soon. :)

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I'm going to find the people who organize that pesky Mini-game competition and punch them in the nose!  All the best programmers are always off working on that and not the HB's we all so desperately crave!!! :x  :D

I am sure you know Cave1K and Splatform 2600 wouldn't exist without that great compo. :)

I know I'm being dense, but what do you mean by HB?

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Minigames are HB (homebrews ;) ), but I doubt many programmers are going to put ONE minigame on a cart and sell it.  Thomas' idea about putting 3 minis on a cart and selling it, is about as close as you are going to get.

Aha, HB = hardware'd up and ideally marketed homebrews. Got it.

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