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Homebrew WIP's progress report?


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I'd love to know what is currently happening with the following, much anticipated Homebrews that are WIP.

Me too but let me include...

1) Poker Squares. It was suppose to make a showing at PC5

2) Kablamo!


Ahh, yes. We did have Poker Squares running at PC5. The game is done and Dave Exton is making a nice label for it, and I'm waiting for the manual text from Brian Watson as well. I will write him today to ask about that. As for Kablamo!, haven't heard from Chris Larkin in a while--I'll write him as well.



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Consider myself poked :-) Kablamo! is back on my plate


I've been really busy as of late, with real work, and with some promising internet projects.


(Shameless plug)

I wrote the Vampire card game for GameTableOnline.com, stop by and play sometime lol


I found the Kablamo source, blew the dust off of it, and I'm going to spend the next week making minor changes, and considering what's left to be done. I'll post an update here when I make my determination.


As it stands, I think I ran out of ROM space, so I will have to clean some things up and make some changes, but I think it'll be OK... it's the same 99% done it was over a year ago so hopefully I can find the time to get it finished once and for all.


I feel like crap for dropping the ball on this one, I intend to finish it.


Thanks for checking up on me :-) I never thought anyone would be so interested in my little project.

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Thanks for checking up on me :-) I never thought anyone would be so interested in my little project.


As I recall, you had a few projects in the works that had us all a twitter. Nice to have you back, hope its for a lengthy stay. :)

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