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How do you arrange you Atari Carts?


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Alphabetically by company.


Although the Atari red labels and Activision Blue labels are seperated from the others in their own stacks.


Sears Telegames and Atari are mixed together but still alphabetical.

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http://www.atariage.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=53414 :ponder: I sort them like they are in this link. By company, alphabetically, copyright year. My M Network carts are sorted by where they were made. So far I've found 4 different countries they're made in; Singapore, Hong Kong, Phillipines, & the good ole USA :D I wonder if they made the white label versions in all 4 countries? :ponder: Out of the 4 I think the Phillipines carts are harder to find than the rest. As for silver/gray labels, I consider them all the same color :P I'm not going to be that technical! They are sorted by copyright year though. :ponder:
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I did sort mine alphabetically. But after my Fireworks Marathon, they're sorted pretty much in no order...except for the way that I decided to play them. :)


Vacation is coming in a couple of weeks. And reorganizing the collection will be a priority. :D



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I separate the carts by company and then sort them alphabetically. The M-network and INTV carts I store vertically as they don't stack well. My Uber rares (in my books 6 and higher) I keep in a 12 cart case that looks a lot like those tape cases but the spaces are made for cartridges. I also recently acquired an interlocking case that I'd like to use. Unfortunately, the one bookcase that I am allowed to use for my collection is now overflowing. Must work on the wife to allow me to buy another.


(Mental note: buy lots of flowers, give many footrubs, etc> ;) )

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I arrange mine by Company (In the Atari section I have the Silver label stack, the "game program" stack and the picture label stack. I ain't too much into label variation so I just stack them alphabetically even if I have doubles, yet if I have more than two of a cart they got into a large Tupperware bin dubbed "Doubles." I also stack carts together if they fit well, i.e. Activison, Absolute, and CBS. I recently acquired a collection of 60+ so they will have to be reorganized. I also have separate stacks for my 7800 carts.

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I arrange mine by company and then in alphabetical order. Like many of you, I do seperate the Atari carts by the labels. I just think it looks more organized that way. Plus, I tend to play the Red labels the most, therefore it is nice to have them in one big group.


The only problem I run into is when I get a new game. It is such a pain to move everything around to fit them in. I usually wait until I get about 10-15 new ones to do it.

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My carts are grouped by company and then alphabetically by title. Companys are in order starting with Atari, then Activision, and then every other company in random order. I guess I have Atari and Activision first because I have the most carts from those companies. Boxed games are kept separately, as are duplicates.


My first post. YAY! :)

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