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And 4 makes 300


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Wow. It kinda snuck up on me, but there it is. With today's arrival of Dragon Treasure, Challenge, Time Warp and Moonsweeper, it brought my grand total to exactly 300 unique titles! Doesn't seem that long ago that I was touting my 200 milestone -- mere months, in fact, but 300 arrived faster than 200 did. I did manage to complete quite a few sets in the process, though.


Now I think the real challenge begins. I've still got quite a number of commons and scarces to collect, but I think reaching the next milestone will require acquiring some rarer titles -- including getting back some of the ones I sold off some months back. Good thing I got a healthy raise at work; I have a feeling I'm going to be upping the ante on my 2600 spending in the coming months. :-)

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Not really...since the less carts you have, the more gaps you have to fill. In getting the first 100, you are not going to run into the same ratio of "tradebait" (carts you already have) compared to the next 100...and even moreso for the 100 after that. Filling the gaps becomes more and more difficult as you go...with (usually) titles you need getting rarer and rarer. In that sense, his recent 100 compared to the past 200 might have evened out a bit...which makes it a bit unusual.

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Actually, I sort of meant that 200 to 300 arrived faster than 100 to 200 did. I started my 2600 collection with 71 unique titles in the first place, so that was sort of instant jumpstart. It took me about 10 months to get to the 200 mark. In contrast, in only took a little over 7 months to get to 300.


But thanks anyway. :-)

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Actually, I sort of meant that 200 to 300 arrived faster than 100 to 200 did.  I started my 2600 collection with 71 unique titles in the first place, so that was sort of instant jumpstart.  It took me about 10 months to get to the 200 mark.  In contrast, in only took a little over 7 months to get to 300.


But thanks anyway.  :-)


Took me seven years to reach 500 (1997-2004). But I'm not a speed collector and I'm VERY patient. ;) I'd be interested to see how "fast" people've reached their milestones.

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