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I was thinking, we should start the 2600 oylmpics. Its like the high score club, but this is a one time deal (not weekly) where we use the four sport games (Activision Decatholon, California Games, Winter games, and Summer Games).


In this game, people team up with one another (EG: CPUWIZ, Inky, Sku_u and others) on one team, come up with a team name, and then pick a representitave for each event (EG: CPUWIZ on the hurdles, rowing, bobsled, and Sku on the pole vault, hacky sack, and bike, with Inky on others. Each member can compete in more than one event.), like the real olympics, just, with teams instead of countries and 2600 games instead of events. Then we tally up the scores, and announce a winner.

Screenshots of the Scores HAVE to be posted, and I think we all can agree on an emu for those of us without the games.

And we can determin the required team size, (no more than X, no Less than X)


You can have tryouts for your team, as the olympics wont be held until later.


Maybe we can give out prizes, (I dont have anything but other people might)


What do you think? Good or bad Idea, and should we do this?

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Actually, I was thinking about doing something like this with the High Score Club... y'know, take a few weeks off to give the Epyx games, Track & Field, Decathlon, etc a run. I hadn't thought of teams though... that certainly makes things more interesting.


I'd be willing to put time into this if people are alright with that. If anyone has any further ideas about how things should work, please post 'em!



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Actually, I was thinking about doing something like this with the High Score Club... y'know, take a few weeks off to give the Epyx games, Track & Field, Decathlon, etc a run. I hadn't thought of teams though... that certainly makes things more interesting.


I'd be willing to put time into this if people are alright with that. If anyone has any further ideas about how things should work, please post 'em!




Track and Field, I knew I forgot one!


Ze_ro, you could be a lot of help, since you have expirence with the HSC and all...

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Well, having two seperate competitions for EVERYTHING would get a little excessively complicated... I can see your point with the speed difference, but there are already quite a few events without splitting everything into two. I'd hate to restrict things to NTSC only though, since that would mean plenty of Europeans would be forced to use emulators... anyone have any better ideas here?


Anyways, here's what we have at our disposal:


Summer Games:
  • Hurdles
    [*]Skeet Shooting
    [*]100-Yard Dash
    [*]Swimming Relay
    • :
      • Slalom
        [*]Ski Jump
        [*]Speed Skating
        [*]Hot Dog
        • :
          • Foot Bag
            [*]Half-Pipe Skateboarding
            [*]BMX Bike Racing
            • :
              • 100-Meter Dash
                [*]Long Jump
                [*]110-Meter Hurdles
                [*]Hammer Throw
                [*]High Jump
                • :
                  • 100-Meter Dash
                    [*]Long Jump
                    [*]Shot Put
                    [*]High Jump
                    [*]400-Meter Race
                    [*]110-Meter Hurdles
                    [*]Discus Throw
                    [*]Pole Vault
                    [*]Javelin Throw
                    [*]1500-Meter Race
                    • :
                      • Hurdles
                        [*]Long Jump
                        [*]Shot Put
                        [*]High Jump
                        [*]Pole Vault

Since Sweat! is basically the same as Decathlon, and is also a prototype of a Supercharger game, I think it's probably best to leave that one out of this whole thing... That leaves us with 34 events over 5 different games. However, that ends up with us having three different 100-meter dash's (well, one is 100-yard, but whatever), two long jump's, two javelin, etc... Does this bother anyone? It seems to me that the different versions are probably different enough to keep them all in the competition.


Now, as for teams... I suppose having a minimum of 4 players per team would be decent, with every participant taking part in a minimum of 4 events. Does that sound fair? I'm not sure what the best way to conduct team formation would be... perhaps I should start a whole topic specifically for that when the time comes, and group together whoever isn't on a team at the very end. It would also be neat to see each team create their own flag or logo (fairly small of course) that could be displayed next to their names and such. Should we follow the same honor system as the HSC is currently using, with screenshots being encouraged, but not necessary? As usual, I have nothing to offer as prizes, so hopefully no one would cheat. I think it's worked out fairly well so far.


Alright, so the actual Olympics run from Friday Aug 13th to Sunday Aug 29th, which is just over three weeks. I suppose it's only fitting that we should follow the same schedule. Would you guys prefer that this take the place of the HSC for those three weeks? Or should the two run simultaneously? It's not a big deal to me, I don't see any problems with doing both at the same time, although I suppose it might cause some distraction for the participants?


Does anyone have anything else to add?



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Well' date=' having two seperate competitions for EVERYTHING would get a little excessively complicated... I can see your point with the speed difference, but there are already quite a few events without splitting everything into two. I'd hate to restrict things to NTSC only though, since that would mean plenty of Europeans would be forced to use emulators... anyone have any better ideas here?




Exactly what I was going to say.



As for the last paragraphs (I just dont want to quote them) PERFECT!

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Hi there!


I'd hate to restrict things to NTSC only though' date=' since that would mean plenty of Europeans would be forced to use emulators...[/quote']


Or Cuttle Carts and stuff.... hm... well, I could play the NTSC version on real hardware, but I've no clue how many Europeans your'd lock out with this...


Anyways' date=' here's what we have at our disposal[/quote']


Well, I'd also exclude Winter Games and California Games. The next winter games are 2006 and Surfing, Skateboarding, etc. certainly aren't olympic disciplines...


Also, Track and Field might be a bit to rare for a public competition.


Hm... isn't the score in Decathlon summed up? So you can compete in the whole game for a week, or?


This leaves us with the Summer Games disciplines. Hm... Skeet Shooting can be left out I assume... the others might keep us busy a few weeks...




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I dunno, I like the idea of keeping as many of the events as possible, even the winter ones (Winter Games on it's own isn't really enough for a whole Winter Olympics competition, so might as well just do them all at once). I think 34 events is a good number to divide up medals between teams. With gold, silver and broze medals, that's 102 medals in total. Seems like a good number to me.


Just for the hell of it, I whipped up some flags and logos that would work well for something like this. I have no real talent, but they're something at least:


  • Canada
    [*]usa.gif USA
    [*]ussr.gif USSR
    [*]uk.gif United Kingdom
    [*]france.gif France
    [*]germany.gif Germany
    [*]spain.gif Spain
    [*]portugal.gif Portugal
    [*]sweden.gif Sweden
    [*]norway.gif Norway
    [*]finland.gif Finland
    [*]australia.gif Australia
    • Ireland
      [*]italy.gif Italy
      [*]japan.gif Japan
      [*]brazil.gif Brazil
      [*]star-black.gif Star
      [*]combat.gif Combat
      [*]epyx.gif Epyx
      [*]activision.gif Activision
      [*]fuji-red.gif Red Fuji
      [*]fuji-blue.gif Blue Fuji
      [*]fuji-black.gif Black Fuji



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... anyone else got any suggestions?




How about having different web sites representing their own teams as well? We have one tentatively going at gamerzuniverse and there are at least 10 other sites I can think of like AA, DP, Atariguide, atari2600.com, et. al.

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How about having different web sites representing their own teams as well?

Sounds cool to me... in fact, you could base your team off pretty much anything you want. I'll probably try and recruit some Canadian gamers into a team when the time comes :) I suppose I should try and whip up some website-oriented flags just in case anyone wants them... AA and DP ones at the very least. If anyone has any requests as far as flags go, let me know and I'll see what I can do about making it... of course, you can also make flags yourself and just send them to me and I'll host them for you (I'll ask this again when we actually do the whole team formation though, so no rush).


By the way, I'll probably open up a "Team Registration" topic at the start of August, giving people two weeks to figure out their team affiliation and practice up before things get started. So, if anyone has any other suggestions or complaints about the rules, you probably have until the end of July to voice them!



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