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Sweet find in the wilds of Canada


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I was at the flea market this morning and this guy had a box full of atari games. Well, not a load, but he had some. I asked how much he wanted for them, and he asked if I saw the system. He was selling a Vader system with all the hookups, loads of joysticks and a paddle set, the star raiders controller with overlay, a coleco footpeddle, et al.


I asked how much he wanted for it. He said 15 bucks. I was like :love: inside. I actually bartered him down to 12 bucks. At the end of the day, here are the spoils of war.


1 Vader Deck with all hookups, good working condition. Uses old switchbox, so still some fuzziness but nothing serious.


2 copies Frostbite

2 copies Plaque Attack



Sky Jinks (International Version, WTF?)

Robot Tank



4 Working well flight style joysticks, two button by spectravideo, one with autofire.


2 chewed on (by dog, or by baby, or by angry gamers) Atari joysticks, one without rubber cover.


For some insane reason, Coleco Footpeddle

For some insane reason, a C64 Power Supply

For some insane reason, Star Raiders Control with Overlay, but no game.


Casualties of War / DOA's


1 Set of Paddle controllers that may be able to be fixed with a soldering gun.


1 Game Ice Hockey :(


Not bad for 12 CDN, or around 9.50 USD.

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Very nice, indeed! I assume the one mentioned there is "Infiltrate" (Apollo) rather than Infiltrator (an 8-bit flight sim/action adventure).


Activision "International Versions" are Canadian releases with bilingual cart/manual/box. I have Pitfall and Ice Hockey in these flavours as well as standard.

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Atarileaf : Live in Wolfville, Nova Scotia


Slade - I would normally be obliged but I'm giving away all my doubles with my 2600 Jr. to a friend who is really wanting to get into classic gaming. I wouldn't say giving so much as selling for what I paid for it, which is 15 bucks for the kaboodle.

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I heard someone found a Gas Hog here in Canada for the princely sum of $1 recently.


If you hit the thrifts regularly here in .ca you will find Gas Hog, Bumper Bash, K-Tel carts and plenty of Zellers carts. Its only a matter of time.


I have found 4 Gas Hogs and 3 Bumper Bash's over the last 10 years.

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