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Revisiting Swordquest prizes story...

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I was reading through an old thread with this link and thought this was so interesting. Especially to people who are newer to the whole atari thing.


Just knowing the chalice exists somewhere in the world would make it the real 'holy grail' of an atari collection, wouldn't it?





Also, does anyone know where the carts from the contests went?

Was anyone lucky enough to snag one of those? They (according to

the article in the link above) are supposed to be different than the released versions.

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The person who won the challis still has it locked up in his safty deposit box. Steve Bell, the person who won Earthworld, sold the medallion section to a jewler for some quick cash, but keep the sword and the necklace that goes with it. The Crown and the philosopher stone have disappeared, no one knows were they are. As for the grand prize sword, it is rumored to be sitting over the fire place of one of the old heads of Atari.


:ponder: :? :!:

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As for the grand prize sword' date=' it is rumored to be sitting over the fire place of one of the old heads of Atari.


:ponder: :? :!:[/quote']


I thought it was supposed to be in the possession of one Jack Tramiel. :ponder:


That's the head in question. Just put a 4-letter word beginning with the letter "D" in front for a more accurate description. :P



I think that the whole "sword over the mantle" story is probably all just urban legend, BTW!

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The sword is probably impossible for me to get my hands on.


Those carts. from the competitions though... they may be out there somewhere.


There have been a lot of people who have claimed to see the sword over his mantle. While that may be heresay, it's the only evidence of it's existence lately.




(and nobody say 'in the landfill with E.T.') :x

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I've read that interview before (don't have time right now, out to lunch :) ) but I don't remember where there special 'competetion carts'? Or did they just use regular off-the-shelf Swordquest carts. If they weren't especially created for the event or marked then its a non-issue.

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From the interview...


What was different about the specially-programmed version of Fireworld compared to the retail version?


I think the contest version was actually easier. One thing about the home version was that you had to have four different objects in one room and another object in another room in order to trigger a clue. In the contest version, you had to have four objects in a room but you didn't have to have another object in some other room. They had a list of ten riddles, kind of like a clue sheet, to help point you in the right direction.


Did they let you keep any of this stuff? Riddle sheets, custom version of the game?


They took back the riddle sheets. Some of the contestants were asking about keeping the custom version of the game but they said they needed them back. I think the reason for this was because the competition for the grand prize would require each of us to play all four games. So they probably planned on re-using the games.

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I asked this question once before about the differences between the regular and contest carts, 2 people who know a lot about Atari history told me that the contest games are the same as the PAL versions of the swordquest games and they are hard to find, but I saw a PAL Fireworld sell on ebay about 9 months ago for a high price and someone here posted pictures of the Fireworld contest room and Atari had put a bunch of empty Fireworld boxes together on the wall in big patterns.


:ponder: :!: :!:

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I wonder if they had special labels (or labels at all).


And it's not that I want to play that version of the game, so much as I want to own one of the games from the competition.

I know I will never even get to see the actual sword, chalice, stone, and certainly not the 'melted down medallion', but it would be cool if a collector was able to get their hands on something from that competition.


Considering how crappy the swordquest series was, I would say there is the most 'conspiracy' and good stories around those games.


- The fact that it was originally supposed to be 'Adventure II'

- "missing" prizes.

- controversey and lawsuits? over the third prize.

- Airworld never being releases and the contest just ending.


There's just a certain amount of mystique around the games that are

intriguing. (To me anyway.)

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To me too!!! I have often dreamed about having all the prizes in my collection, owning the game carts used in the contest, even going to DC comic books and going through there archives and see if I can find a completed Airworld comic book. ( Some one here once said that they emailed DC Comics to ask if they had any copies of Airworld and was told that they did not have records of such a comic being made! )


As a kid, I fell in love with the Swordquest games and the idea of winning the prizes, but after a month of playing Earthworld, I could not see how anyone could win it, not a 9 year old boy for sure.


:!: :ponder: :wink:

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Glad I'm not alone in that.


Also, as a kid myself during that time, it was like a real version of

Willy Wanka and the Chocalate Factory.


Except instead of a silly chocalate facotry with orange freaky midgets, it was a tour of the land of video games.


I'm sure the Atari Headquarters tour wasn't nearly as cool as I thought it would be in my 10 year old mind anyway.

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Also, the in the link I posted earlier in this thread, the winner of the Chalice at the Fireworld competition says he saw all the prizes. They were at the competition.


From the interview:


As far as the prizes go, we know that Atari awarded the Talisman and the Chalice. Do you know if the other prizes exist or were they made to order as Atari needed them?


They did exist. All of the prizes were on display and well-guarded at the Fireworld contest. The Philosopher's Stone really took my breath away. All of the pictures showed it with the cover on but they had the cover off at the contest and the actual stone was this large chunk of white jade.

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How is it that Jack got to keep the sword?  Wouldn't it have been siezed and sold as part of the bankruptcy of Atari?  




If jack indeed has it, it was likely accounted for as a managerial bonus or something, thus, JT's property, not Atari's.


As for Atari declaring bankruptcy, did they ever do that? JTS did, I think, but they had sold their Atari assets to Hasbro by that time...





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