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Question about the "Grand Prix" bridge


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Haven't seen this one addressed before...

Why does "time stop" while on the bridge? Yes, it does go on counting, and the time is added to your time once you're a certain distance from the bridge, but why is that?

The bridge doesn't hide the clock, so that's not it...

Is it some sort of programming neccessity?

Always been curious about that.

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Crossing the bridge represents a "lap" and the clock freezes at that point so you know what your lap time was.


I think it was in the manual... but I'll spare you the "RTFM" schtick because it's much dorkier to admit I remember something I read in a video game manual 22 years ago!

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Here's the page from the manual that mentions it.


Looking back on it with the wisdom of my years, it looks like the same type of excuse that was frequently written into game manuals as a "feature" to excuse a programming limitation or a bug, but I think in this case it was deliberate.



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Huh... Very interesting. Guess I should be reading those manuals a little more closely.

Checking your lap time, eh? Well, I suppose that'd work - but what happens with 2 and 3 bridges? You've got to do some real quick math for a lap time then. Unless, of course, you're just doing time checks.

Thanks for the answer, 34!

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