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What was the first Atari game you bought?


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I don't remember for sure... it may have been Adventure.

(And I didn't really buy it with my own money... I was 7 or 8.)

My parents did usually make me pay half the money for whatever cartridge I wanted

by saving my allowance and doing chores... that's how I got the Atari, too.

(A Sears six-switcher, and it took me quite a while of putting all the money I got into a jar before

I had enough for half the price... I think my parents may have given me a little bit of a break on it, though.)

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The first games we owned in my family were :


Combat (came with the system)

Breakout (which my mother loved)


My brother and I saved our allowance for weeks to get PacMan.


I remember going to the local Caldor to get it.

It was in that glass case with all those expensive games.

It was so exciting when the guy came with the key to open the glass

case to hand us our game.

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We purchased Berzerk along with the 2600 way back in the 80s (are the 80s so far away??). Actually I've never seen it in the arcades before, but I thought it was a cool game!


I enjoyed it a lot, mostly because it was so polished for an Atari game. A bit repetitive yes, but good looking.


Not too much after we got Defender which is quite the opposite: lots of enemies and things to do but horrible flicker from hell, as we all know! We were aware of the 2600's limits anyway (luckily my dad has always been a techie :)) and understood that it probably was the only way the 2600 could handle the game (at that time!).


We rented a few games too, the most notably being Cosmic Ark (which I always loved).


Then we sold the whole lot and got a C64, but I kept missing the 2600 a lot, mostly because of many of the games I always wanted to have. I was mostly (and still am) very intrigued by all the "obscure" 2600 releases, which provide a virtually endless source of fun when it comes to trying "new" sutff :)




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I think It was Asteroids here too, I remember that game costing 40.00 at the big K-Mart, plus that was the arcade game I spent a ton of quarters on at the local Stop and Go c-store. I remember that game having Space Invaders as well, it was the cool hang out of the neighborhood.

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Vanguard I think. I inherited my 2600 from my Uncle so I already had a lot of games. It was awhile before I went out and bought more.


My first Atari games were actually Pac-Man and Centipede for the 400.



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I had to work for my dad at his theater, making popcorn, filling the candy counter, getting the movies ready & cleaning out the theater after the movies, but he game me $50.00 and took me to Kmart to buy Pitfall and I loved it.


:ponder: :roll: :love:

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Vanguard I think.

Aah lucky, Vanguard was probably the game I wanted the most, I think I was quite impressed by the arcade version.. and it's even a very good conversion!


I'm really curious about what I could have reacted when faced with it, I really never tried it on an actual 2600 until emulators came up!




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I never bought any games for a long time. When I was little, I played my grandma's 7800 with the 20 or so games she had. The only game I ever got new was Crack'ed which I got for Christmas in 1989.


It was years before I ever got to play Atari again. The first game I payed for were the ones that came with my 2600 on Ebay. I can't exactly remember, but there were about 20. I can't think of the first game I bought by itself because that doesn't happen very often. I should have been paying more attention.

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The first game we got after we got our 2600 was Mouse Trap. As for the first one I bought with my own money, that I don't know. It might have been Missile Command, possibly Space Attack. It was after the crash, of that I'm sure. :D

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The first games we owned in my family were :


Combat (came with the system)

Breakout (which my mother loved)



Me too! Breakout was the only game that my dad ever played and he probably only played it 4 or 5 times. The first game I bought was Basketball (telegames version). I think it was $16.99.

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The first game purchased for my 2600 was a copy of Chopper Command, bought concurrently with the console itself. Frogger was the hot new release at the time, and was my first choice, but the store was sold out. (Interestingly, I never picked up a copy of Frogger until the mid-90s.)


It wasn't the first Atari-branded game I'd owned, though; I had "Touch Me" and had co-ownership of a Video Pinball console.


(Other firsts: first purchased with my own money was, I believe, Popeye. First purchase from the original Atari Age magazine: Snoopy and the Red Baron. First 7800 purchase: Xevious, a few months before I got the console itself.)

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