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Possibly a new 2600 w/ Homebrews embedded.. "Any intere


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Hey Gang!


I may be working with on a new 2600 Console, outside of Activision.


The games would be embedded. Any HB'er's out there interested in getting on-aboard?


Email me if yer' interested. "It's all legit."




- Ken

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(Totally off the subject, but how else am I gonna reach the guy?)


Hey Ken, I just wanted to thank you and the rest of Activision for bringing some love to the GameCube as well as all the other systems. A lot of other third parties tend to neglect the Cube, but Activision's been consistently supporting the machine since its release, and I really appreciate that.


I just purchased Tony Hawk's Underground a week ago and I'm having a lot of fun with it. That's fun I wouldn't be having if it were only available for the PS2 and XBox.



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Ken great idea but please whatever you do make sure you include a cartridge port.

I bought this up in a forum about modded consoles and if you included a cart

slot then not only could we help preserve history, we could get a new console

that isnt as rare as the actual 2600 and no need to mod our old consoles.


And 2600's seem to be rarer in europe than in the states so if it has a cart

slot once I get enough I would definatly buy one (But only if it has a cart slot)

as I want to start collecting again! :) (Please say you'll release it in Europe!)

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I'm wondering, will this be like one of those Jakks plug and play joysticks or an actual console where you can disconnect the controller anytime or add different types f video connections. S-video would be cool. And I agree, if you can and if its affordable add a cartridge slot please.

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I know you are an Activision guy and all but that idea just seems a little too far fetched and whimsical to me. Why not just re-release the VCS or the Pro-System with some old games and some new ones (ie: homebrews)? Hire some of the old school programmers to make new games.. See what I mean. Sounds whimsical, doesn't it? Good luck bud. :?

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I know you are an Activision guy and all but that idea just seems a little too far fetched and whimsical to me.


Whimsical sells these days though. And besides, I think it's a great idea. :D I'd buy it if there were any way I could afford it. Even more so if you could possibly play current VCS carts on the thing! :P Of course these words come from a poor college student so what does that weigh? :lolblue:

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Well a simple design works the best. Even if it is just a square case. Some wood grain would be nice. I would say cart slot, joystick, and a/v out. Perhaps some type of expansion port (To add like a genesis add-on). Does make me wonder though. Both the cart and seperate peices raises the price. Then you have new consoles already at $99.00 or $149.00. Plus you got the sticks anywhere from 16.00 to 24.00. So the logical way is the traditional all in one stick.


well that is my 2 cents.





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Not quite... they make playstation controllers cheap for like $5-10... and I made a atari pad easily out of those. the circuitry would be easy. plus its only grounding out the signal, no special chips required. I say $5-10 max a pad.

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Not quite... they make playstation controllers cheap for like $5-10... and I made a atari pad easily out of those. the circuitry would be easy. plus its only grounding out the signal' date=' no special chips required. I say $5-10 max a pad.[/quote']

Heck, just look at those Power Joy thingies at flea markets. Most of them are built into a controller, but still have a port for a separate controller for player 2. There is even a PSX version, which IIRC has two separate controllers.


What would be cool is if it were shaped like a miniature Woody (maybe with the slot in back for a cart in label-up orientation). Four or five inches wide, A/V cables sticking out of the rear right (like they should).


I doubt S-video is likely because supporting both S-video and composite would add unnecessary cost. And not everyone will have a TV with an S-video input available, so you can't make it _only_ S-video. It's probably easier to wire up a cable directly to a unit than to put in jacks and pack in a cable, so I would expect it to be built like


Even if a slot isn't in the budget, it would still be nice if whoever designs this thing at least leaves through-holes on the circuit board and holes for an internal ROM-disable jumper for folks who want to mess with it. (It would also make 2600 handhelds much easier to make than cutting up a real 2600.)

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I kinda got the impression from Klove's post that this was maybe a comparatively "small" project like, say, the portable VCS units as opposed to some big commercial venture.


I remember in the late 90s I talked with a group of nuts in SF who called themselves BOLT (Bureau of Lo-Technology), and they planned to take the guts of some VCS units and encase them in lucite so that they would work but the unit itself would be clear. On some level, this reminds me of that project (which I don't think ever came to fruition, 'cause I would have LOVED one of those babies!)

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Sometimes I thing Ken's greatest pleasure is to torture us with stories which are never completely revealed. :)


How about the Coleco Bulldog, Ken? Or maybe "You are the winner"? And who is SJ? Please tell us the whole thing. ;)

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My two cents are this: I think that the system should be as small as possible like most of you agree. I also think that S-video might be a cool idea, but it is not at all feasible; here is why, not all TVs have S-video, only people with a High-End TV, a Stereo Receiver, or some sort of Digital converter switchbox will be able to use it. I think that the thing must definitely have a cartridge slot and A/V out. It would be nice if it was CHROMA LUMA AUDIO R AUDIO L, but standard A/V would be ok. A Jakks type deal is, in my book, out of the question because it only contains a small board, with emulated games, and a few switches, etc. I however don't think that this will ever blossom because it would cost a little and people have the mind set that if you can't kill a town full of people the game ain't worth playing, except for the "Classic Community." :) :)



If you want to check out a post similar to this cruise over to the 7800 forum and see an article about O'shea wanting a new 7800, this article contains a lot of speculation and "2-Cents Worth," you might want to look at to compare it to this.



Thanks Again,


James H.

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Okay well if there is going to be a new Retro revival VCS i think it should have some kind of 70's styling or early 80's it should have more than 10 games embeded in it maybee like a 1/4 size heavy sixer with a cart slot and definatly controller ports. I would definatly pay an arm and maybee a leg for soemthing like this it would be shuch a great adition to any collection.



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It would be nice if it was CHROMA LUMA AUDIO R AUDIO L, but standard A/V would be ok.

Ummmm... "CHROMA LUMA" is S-video. Only us crazy folks with old Commodore monitors have anything with separate chroma/luma jacks, so that's even less useful than an S-video port. And stereo output from a 2600 is way overrated.


As long as the board design has lots of tap points on it for mods, I'll be happy.


P.S. I just found out that Fry's has chroma/luma RCA-F to S-video-M cables for five bucks. I'd have preferred S-video-F, but this is still great, because now I can use more of my C= monitors without having to make more #@%!! S-video adaptor cables.

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