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I don't know if you've seen these before...

Room 34

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I would hope that in purchasing all of those carts to do anything they want to. They pull the rare ones to the side. Then again think of how many people would want E.T. and PacMan Carts. So once again we are saved by the stinkers perhaps?







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Funny... but hell of a waste of perfectly good carts. ;)


In case you forgot our PC5 prank on Atari Troll, we (SS, Ed Siegler, The Mrs and I) told him that the Yakmala people had taken the Combat 01 and made it into a wallet. :lolblue:


Incidentally what happened to that thing - has it been around the world twice by now?

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Yeap...and even though you can't see the romtags...they are clipping off the main part of the PCB and only leaving the the contacts section and about another centimeter there to keep it slim. So there isn't any actual ROM chip on there...just the PCB connector section. So, they aren't really ROMtags...they are just PCBtags...and not even complete ones.


I will agree that I wish they would use new cases and make their own labels instead of using actual 2600 carts for this. Many of those carts could have been future homebrews?!


And for the cost of $12...I don't see why they can't order new cases, and create their own labels. Afterall, many of the homebrews now from AA are in new cases with new labels and cost on average of about $25-$30.


They are just empty shells...so they should be able to order those in bulk for cheap new.



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I think thats hilarious. I think I shall make one out of air raid and malagai and and and :-D


Stuff like this is great, it goes right along with my 'increase the rarity' campaign. The more commons get hosed, the more valueable my collection becomes! MUWWAHAHAAA!

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I think thats hilarious. I think I shall make one out of air raid and malagai and and and :-D


Stuff like this is great, it goes right along with my 'increase the rarity' campaign. The more commons get hosed, the more valueable my collection becomes! MUWWAHAHAAA!


Ooh I can just imagine this! "Make the a box out of my, SwordQuest Airworld please!"



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Funny... but hell of a waste of perfectly good carts. ;)


In case you forgot our PC5 prank on Atari Troll, we (SS, Ed Siegler, The Mrs and I) told him that the Yakmala people had taken the Combat 01 and made it into a wallet. :lolblue:


Incidentally what happened to that thing - has it been around the world twice by now?


LMFAO-I thought you were kidding about that site....Last I heard about the Combat Cannonball Run....It was sent to CPUWIZ and he probably went to visit roswell or area 51 with the cart in hand...who knows CPU hasn't said much since he received the cart......could have been lost in the mail....kinda of gave up on the whole idea......sucked on the support anyway :roll:


Twas a good Joke Mr & Mrs MMF :D

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Hey, that's a great way to get rid of a few old commons! I do wonder what they're using for the hinge, though. I hope it's not just "glue down some felt and hope it doesn't wear out". That Imagic cart was probably a pain to hinge, whatever they did.


As for the screams of "they could be used in homebrews!", get real. There are plenty of commons out there (that's why we call 'em commons), and there's no way this can even make a slight dent in the supply. When AtariAge raises their bounty from 50 cents, then you can start worrying.


And those "rom chip dogtags" are just the edge connector sawed off of the PCB. (Who but a total nerd would tolerate the chip pins scratching up their neck?) Six bucks for those is a great way to make easy cash.

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