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-=-=-=- Win PITFALL HARRY'S LOST LOOT Contest! =-=-=-


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OK Activision fans, here goes...


In celeberation of Activison's 25th Anniversary, Pitfall Harry (... and the "Powers-That-Be" here at Activision), have given me permission to divvy out some of his long lost cavern loot. While "Humble" Harry doesn't mind spreading the wealth amongst his loyal fans, he did mention one peculiar catch though...


Back in late 1990 or was it 1991, Activision moved from it's Mountain View home to it's new Los Angeles residence. As moves typically go, Harry seemed to of lost ALOT of his personal belongings along the way. One of which, was his prized Activision Patch Collection. "You know how hard it is to come by these, today?" he told told me. "Pretty close to impossible."


So, that got me to thinkin'.. "How can I help Harry find his lost patch collection, while divvy-ing out some of his lost loot?" I mean, I'm merely one guy locked in an office for 8, 9 to 10 hours a day. "How could I possibly find the time to look for Harry's patches?" Then it donned on me. "Why not ask some of his friendly followers to help." Better yet... "Let's make it a contest."


When I brought this up Harry, he liked what he heard. Especiallly, the part about getting his patches back. So, if yer' ready, willing 'n' able, here's what we came up with...


Being the Archaeologist / Thrill Seeker Harry is. Harry wants for everyone interested, to don their pit helmets and go searching for his patch collection. Better yet, if we can get him new patches, even better.


To earn back every patch Harry lost, you simply need to unlock every unlockable patch in Activision's Anthology title. This can be done on either the Playstation 2, the IBM PC or even the Apple Macintosh version.."Sorry, the Gameboy Advance version of Activision Anthology is excluded from this contest."


When you've finally managed to earn back all of Harry's patches, send us ("Me 'n' Harry, that is") a snapshot of your TV screen or computer monitor displaying all of Harry's patches on the corkboard.


Digital or Electronic pictures via email WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Instead, you must send in a legitimate "Paper Picture". Like in the old days. :-) Printing a digital photo and sending that in is acceptable.


Please send in your photo submissions to...


Activision, Inc.


3100 Ocean Park Blvd.

Santa Monica, California (USA)



In return, you'll make Harry a very happy, and you'll also be rewarded with one 25th Anniversary Silver Foil / Chocolate coin and a numbered "Thank You" letter on Activision Letterhead.


The letter will be signed by none other than the P-Man, himself.




This contest is being held by me, myself and I. "Not Activision." THE CONTEST WILL END WHEN ALL OF THE COINS HAVE BEEN GIVEN AWAY, OR WHEN I DECIDE TO END THIS CONTEST. That means... "It will probably last for a very short time."


Activision Publishing, Inc. IS NOT responsible for anything to do with this contest at all. It is NOT their contest. It is a contest being held by me.


That said.... "Good Luck. Me 'n' Harry are counting on you."

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Interesting idea to use the old school "send in a photo" approach. I've often pondered what Activision would've done back in the day if photo manipulation had been as easy as it is now.


I suppose the hitch here is that there's something distinctive about the screen that shows all of the unlocked patches that you wouldn't know to replicate right unless you had actually achieved the goal. I also assume the final screen isn't something that could be snooped out in the CD-ROM files of the computer versions.




If only there had been a GameCube version... :(

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To clarify my last comment, since it seems nonsensical in that context (the 'Cube being the hardest contemporary platform to hack)...


I was lamenting no GameCube version, because I'd have bought it if it existed. Sure, I could buy the Mac version, but I'm really not into playing games on the computer anymore...

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I think it's really wonderful that someone like Ken Love frequents this board and makes the first-generation Activision fans still feel like they haven't been forgotten.


That say a lot about Ken and Activision themselves.


I just would like to say thanks, Ken, and I hope you and Activision do very well for years to come. :)



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Harry seemed to have lost A LOT of his personal belongings along the way? Next time he should hire better movers! :D


I never sent in for any patches the first time because it was too much trouble and I probably won't this time either. It is cool that Klove is doing something though. Not as good as the AA game of the week where he gives a free weekend with a high-class hooker to the first person who posts under his review, but it's still nice. :D

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I only wish they weren't chocolate. I could just see proudly displaying this on the shelf next to the Activision games, only to come home on one hot summer day and find it melted away..  or worse yet, find the kitty has eaten it.. :ponder:  :!:


Yeah, I'd make sure to put it in a cat-proof clear plastic display cube or something. Given the sweet smell of chocolate, I have little doubt that my cats would find, eat, and rather enjoy it. :)



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I only wish they weren't chocolate. I could just see proudly displaying this on the shelf next to the Activision games, only to come home on one hot summer day and find it melted away..  or worse yet, find the kitty has eaten it.. :ponder:  :!:


Yeah, I'd make sure to put it in a cat-proof clear plastic display cube or something. Given the sweet smell of chocolate, I have little doubt that my cats would find, eat, and rather enjoy it. :)




Wouldn't you just be in the slightest bit tempted to eat it yourself??

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That say a lot about Ken and Activision themselves.





I agree to some extent, but Activision is still plenty stingy with those 20+ year old ROMS.


Ken has always been stand-up around here though, and it is nice to see someone at Activions remembers their roots. :)


I do wish there was a GC version as well. :sad:

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OF COURSE, I don't have them. That would be wrong and unfair to Activision. They have every right to bleed the money dry from those old ROMS, and I would never do anything to infringe on that basic, capitalist right. Especially not when there is clearly billions to be made off of that Bridge BIN. :ponder:




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what a lovely idea but i am not sure giving out chocolate is such a groovy idea.  who wants an awards that can melt or be eaten!  i didnt see any chocolate coins at the e3 retro booth and i dont have any newer systems can you post a picture of one please?

I guess that if the coins survived 20 years, they won't melt that easy!

Plus there's the congrats letter.


Of course if I didn't have a system to run AA on, I wouldn't even bother complaining (hint) :roll: 8)




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