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Bounty Bob Reproduction


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Join the crowd, Kevin Horton used to have one on his web site but it's not there anymore. He said it got lost the last time he had to move his site.

I don't think anyone else has come up with a workable circuit.



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Sometimes I don't understand people who would rather have their creations kept dead than to let people discover it again. It's not like he's losing royalties off this. What about all those poor programmers who aren't getting jack for all these atari collection that keep coming out comercially? If it's about money why not build his own carts?Hell if it was me I'd be thrilled that someone out there still wanted to play my 20 year old game. Thanks.

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Sometimes I don't understand people who would rather have their creations kept dead than to let people discover it again. It's not like he's losing royalties off this. What about all those poor programmers who aren't getting jack for all these atari collection that keep coming out comercially? If it's about money why not build his own carts?Hell if it was me I'd be thrilled that someone out there still wanted to play my 20 year old game. Thanks.


Conversely you can download the games for free from his website



Maybe he doesn't want to be liable...


Still I'd like a cart myself :D




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It's not that difficult, I had it worked out but the man who wrote the game was not interested in this sort of thing being released, so I dropped it.  :(


The circuit for a new board may not be but designing one that you can hack out of an old 5200 common is a bit more difficult.



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It's not that difficult, I had it worked out but the man who wrote the game was not interested in this sort of thing being released, so I dropped it.  :(


The circuit for a new board may not be but designing one that you can hack out of an old 5200 common is a bit more difficult.




Yep, that would be a bit tough, especially because of the dual bankswitching method used.

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Logic? The only reason to want a re-production of this cart is because a) it is very rare, b) you can not play it on a multi or USB type cart.


Question: Would it be possible to reprogram the software to use a different bank switching scheme so it would be possible to use in a multi or USB cart?

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Question:  Would it be possible to reprogram the software to use a different bank switching scheme so it would be possible to use in a multi or USB cart?


Nope, it is the only game that uses bankswitching on the 5200.

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why couldn't you just make a duplicate of an orginal cart? Is there some special chip that was only made by Big Five? It would stand to reason that you'd only need the rom images and the bankswitching hardware...


On the original carts the bankswitching was built into the custom ROM chips.



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Just face it people - if you want a complete 5200 collection you either have to own one from back in the day, get incredibly lucky thrifting, or shell out $150 + for it on eBay. There's no other way around it. The custom chips make it impossible to repro, the bankswitching makes it impossible to multi, and the short print run makes it impossible to find. If you want just wait until your collection is almost done and make it one of the last carts you buy - it makes that pill much easier to swallow.

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Just face it people - if you want a complete 5200 collection you either have to own one from back in the day, get incredibly lucky thrifting, or shell out $150 + for it on eBay.  There's no other way around it.  The custom chips make it impossible to repro, the bankswitching makes it impossible to multi, and the short print run makes it impossible to find.  If you want just wait until your collection is almost done and make it one of the last carts you buy - it makes that pill much easier to swallow.


If Mr. Hogue would have agreed, voltman, me and Geo would have produced boxed repros of it for $40-$50 a piece but he wasn't interested. I guess that is what you get when you ask for permission. :roll:

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Digital sticks for Bounty Bob? Where's the challenge in that?!?


I know this game is super-rare, and the screenshots LOOK more interesting than the original Miner 2049er, but which one is actually more fun to play? I've read in the FAQ that Bounty Bob is pretty tough with the standard sticks, and can get pretty irritating. I think I like believing this story, just to make myself feel better since A) I'll most likely never come across this game at a thrift store or garage sale, and B) I'm not willing to spend $200 for this on eBay.


Anyone out there with the game, which one do you play more: Miner 2049er or Bounty Bob?

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  • 1 month later...

In an effort to figure out how the Bank-Switching of this game works, I have implemented it on one of the MaxiCarts I made. I did not get too far with it, but was able to play at least the first level on the real system... 8)


A couple of screenshots are available here:



I did not have too much time to spend on it and made no further progress than what I described.



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