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Ever wonder?


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Ever wonder how if you get a game lot with ... 23 unique titles 4-6 of them are diffrent labels of combat and/or beserk?


I've wondered...


Why I've never come across a non-working (first boot) combat cart... :D


Why in a lot the games I don't have in invintory or duplicate already are the ones that are DOA or need lotsa of TLC... :sad:


Why all mystery carts are very common (ones without any labels)... :x


Why my 4 switch black "Atari 2600" plays Midnight Magic with the kids controler or keypad as well as the joysticks... 8)


Why all racing games (excluding 2 player's only like slot car/race) the player car is so supirior to the other cars...8)


Why in racing games (example PPI or especially PPII (7800) ) when you are the lead car because you are sooo fast there are suddely other cars on the track that can't be lap cars... :ponder:


Why nobody at a flea market knows what an Atari cartride is without showing them... :roll:


Why if two diffrent people ask for something at a flea market that its instently collectable... :roll:


Why you can find the same rarity 2s over andd over and are still missing rarity 1s... :roll:


Why some people think that charging $5 a cart is a steal to the customer... :roll:

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Permit me to add a few. Ever wonder...


...how come if the flea market vendor had "a huge box of Atari stuff" sitting untouched for years, someone managed to buy the whole thing THAT MORNING before you got there?


...why we all call Pac-Man and Space Invaders "commons" if it's hard to find ANY carts in the wild any more? ;)


...why a game box is--at most--only worth as much as the game it once contained, yet game boxes are much harder to come by than games? :?


...what Atari was smoking when they released ET? :D


...how your friends can say that collecting Atari is a dumb hobby while they're running off to their rotisserie baseball draft?


...if George Plympton actually knew what an Intellivision was?


...if any 8-year-old kids actually knew who George Plympton was?


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Why nobody at a flea market knows what an Atari cartride is without showing them...  


Probably because "cartride" is not in the dictionary. :P :lol:


...why is it that when I do find a large lot of classic stuff, the dealer won't break up the set and won't offer more reasonable price than $500?


...why is it that I can never find any rare cart, only common cart in the wild? :D

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Why nobody at a flea market knows what an Atari cartride is without showing them...  


Probably because "cartride" is not in the dictionary. :P :lol:


...why is it that when I do find a large lot of classic stuff, the dealer won't break up the set and won't offer more reasonable price than $500?


...why is it that I can never find any rare cart, only common cart in the wild? :D


:P :D :D

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Why all mystery carts are very common (ones without any labels)... :x  


Well, this has been proved wrong by me before. (I am sure some of you already know) but I found an "Off Your Rocker" in a $30 lot of games from ebay 8) It was a lot of 30 cartriges and one with no label on it, and who would have thought it would be a super rare game :D

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Or, why...


...do the same sellers that claim Pac Man is ultra rare have absolutely no clue what their Malagai two auctions down is worth?


...do sellers who rip off a good description of a heavy sixer (usually from Dustin) try and use it on a four-switch that clearly bears absolutely no resemblance to the description they nicked?


...do sellers always list Pac Man as "a classic!" when the entire world knows what a cleaveland steamer it was?


...are there so many damn loose systems without any accessories whatsoever out there? Where'd the rest of the stuff go?

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Why you can find the same rarity 2s over  andd over and are still missing rarity 1s... :roll:  



I think this one is more propabality than anything else. The way I think of it is that it works the same way as baseball cards. You get a pack, and with some luck get some rare ones, but out of pure chance, no matter how many packs you get, you always seem to be missing several or more very common cards. Same goes for Atari games, you find a bunch somewhere, on ebay or flea markets or where ever, and end up getting a bunch of duplicates and maybe even some more rare games, but out of pure chance, you're missing something very very common.

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