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color in 2600 pac man?


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:| I am engaged in a debate on another board and my Efreind Russ Perry directed me here.


The other person says the ghost/

monsters in 2600 pac man are DIFFFERENT COLORS (red,orange,etc...)...I say they are ALL WHITE, every old VG mag says they are WHITE (or at least the same color)....so what does the CODE say guys? I believe in you!! :D

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They are different colors. I took a bunch of snap shots using the Mac OS X version of Stella 1.4, then using the "Digital Color meter" I figured out which of the snapshots had different colors for the ghosts. The colors are very similiar - would have been nicer if they made them more unique.





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The other person says the ghost/

monsters in 2600 pac man are DIFFFERENT COLORS (red,orange,etc...)

Welcome to AtariAge!


I really wonder why you are asking this over and over again, though you got the correct answer already. :ponder:


BTW: :idea: The "other person" is me (thrust26). ;)

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BTW:  The "other person" is me (thrust26).

And what the hell would you know about Atari 2600 code?


I aways percieved the ghosts as being white while some others told me they saw the colors. Perhaps this is related to our differing perceptions of flickering.

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I think that this thrust26 person doesn't know what he's talking about. I mean, what has HE ever programmed??


Side Note: Atari 2600's Pac-Man is really a great game...looks just like the arcade. Only televisions can't display it properly, so it looks like junk.



Everything above is a lie :D

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The colors are very similiar - ...

Yup, they are.


:idea: This is due to the color palette of the Atari 2600. The brighter the colors become, the less saturated they are. And they had to use quite bright colors to use the phosphorescence of the TV. Else the ghosts would have become even worse visible than they are now.

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One thing I can say about all the colors used in 2600 Pac-Man. The colors selected have to be one of the most aesthetically unpleasing palettes in a 2600 game. I guess that if you are stuck using those colors for the ghosts, you have to make everything else look pale and drab.

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I just played Pac-Man with an emulator and you can see some color difference, but when I used to play it on my old color TV back in 1982, the ghosts looked yellow. The ghosts flickered so badly that you could barely tell there was a color, so it would be very hard to see see any color differences on my old TV.

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I just played Pac-Man with an emulator and you can see some color difference, but when I used to play it on my old color TV back in 1982, the ghosts looked yellow. The ghosts flickered so badly that you could barely tell there was a color, so it would be very hard to see see any color differences on my old TV.


The ghosts looked yellow on my TV back then, and they still do now. As a kid, I used to sometimes play in black and white mode to see the ghosts better! Nowadays I just keep it in color. Also, the manual shows them as the "ghost quartet", with a cutesy illustration showing them all yellow. Most likely there wasn't enough time in the rushed release schedule (and decision to skimp on the RAM) to tweak the colors to make them more recognizable, and the Atari marketing spin doctors followed. :roll:

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there is no need to "yell" the question is posted because the code, and diffrent people's preception of the game on the 2600 are not in agreement


THe code is that they are diffrent colors


Most *females* (including me, 7 I have checked all 7 see diffrent shades when not overlapped) -> see the colors


(I didn't check the color-blind aunt though-> green-yellow color blind or something)


Most *males* (5 of the 7 I've checked the one that could see the color is one of them is not adult physically (he's 10)) -> do NOT see the diffrent shades


It has to do with how preceptive a person is, how well there eyes and brain work and wow they are wired to preceive the world.

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I saw the old thread regarding the different ghost colors a good while back... and altho the colors are VERY similar I believe they are in fact different based on the evidence provided.


That said. I wouldn't waste my time pointing out that someone still didn't believe even after they were presented with the same info.


Fact is, some folks in this world A.) Just like to argue for fun...or B.) Can't absorb new information after believing something else for so long.


Either way.......

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