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Room of Doom


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Just got a Room of Doom! Yay! Pretty fun.... Anyone know what all the options are? I don't have a manual. It seems like the difficulty switches control your starting level... but what about all the different select options?? Anyone have the book, and feel like sharing? :D


Thanks in advance!

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Someone should scan or type in the manual. Unfortunately I don't own a scanner and am to lazy to do it myself. ;)


:idea: Anyway:

Difficulty Switches: BB = Room 1, BA = 3, AB = 5, AA = 7


Doors open and close: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9,...

No Diagonal Fire: 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10,...

Normal Speed: 1-4, 9-12,...

No Guided Bullets: 1-8, 17-24,...


Fire at any time: 1-16

Fire after bullet has hit something: 17-32

Fire only when moving: 33-48 (typo in manual!)

Fire after bullet has hit something and while moving: 49-64

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Alright... I'll do it...


Here is the entire manual...




ESCAPE! Your mind throbs ... trapped in the Room of Doom, with fiendish gunmen trying to annhilate you. Shots come from sexret portholes that mysteriously open and close. Watch out ! The gunmen have unleases a hydra-headed monster; it relentlessly pursues you. Don' panic! Your markmanship can stun it, but only for a moment. Should you remain in the Room of Doom too long, the monster becomes invulnerable to your bullets.


Dodge the gunmen's firepower; shoot them in return when the secret portholes open, and then escape! ... but where? The next Room of Doom awaits. An even more diabolocal chamber with rapid fire gunmen and devious monsters trying to destroy you.


Can you survive through the full gauntlet of rooms and escape unscathed? Only you can test your skill in this latest video challenge from CommaVid.



Turn off your game console


Insert the Room of Doom cartridge


Make sure the left joystick controller is firmly connected to the console (this is the only controller used.).


Turn on game game console.


Select the starting room by setting the console difficulty switches. (Note: On Sears TeleGame, the difficulty switches are called skill switches. The 'a' position is called expert, and the 'b' position is called novice.)

Room 1: Set both switches to 'b'

Room 3: Set left difficulty switch to 'b' and right difficulty switch to 'a'

Room 5: Set left difficulty switch to 'a' and right difficulty switch to 'b'

Room 7: Set both difficutly switches to 'a'


Press game reset to display the game number.


Select one of the 64 game variations by repeatedly pressing the game select switch. The game number will appear at the upper left corner of your TV screen. Refer to the game features chart to see which game variations use which game features.


Hold the joystick with the red button at the upper left.


Start the game by pressing the game reset switch




You are the player inside a Room of Doom. Move your player in any direction - horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, by moving your joystick in the desired direction on the joystick controller.


Surrounding each Room of Doom are gunmen concealed behind doorways. Slowly, their doors open and close. You must fire through open doors to eliminate the gunmen, scoring 75 points for each one you hit. But be careful: when the doors are opened all the way, the gunmen fire at you, and a hit spells Doom.


Each Room of Doom has a monster who pursues you relentlessly. You can shoot him as well, scoring 50 points for each hit. This gives you only a few seconds' relief, for the monster is soon after you again. Many rooms also have deadly objects scattered through them. Even the slightest contact with either the monster or these objects again spells Doom.


You begin with a reserve force of three players, shown at the top of the screen. Each time you eliminate all the gunmen in a room, you will move to the next room and earn another player, up to a maximum of six. But there is a time limit in each room. When the timer at the upper right of the screen counts down to 0, the monster becomes invulnerable to your bullets.


Each Doom costs you one of your players. When you run out of players, the game is over.


A hidden feature of the game allows you to continue play (with three new players and a score reset to 0) from where you met your final Doom. See if you can discover it (you DON'T need to put in another quarter!)




The rest is just the chart that Thomas described nicely in the post before mine.


Hope people actually look at this ! :lolblue:

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Since I never read the manual until I just typed it up, I was wondering if anyone knew about this . . . .



A hidden feature of the game allows you to continue play (with three new players and a score reset to 0) from where you met your final Doom. See if you can discover it


And if so, how do you uncover this 'hidden feature?'


It's not in AA's tips and tricks...

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Alright... I'll do it...


Here is the entire manual...


The rest is just the chart that Thomas described nicely in the post before mine.


Edited to 40 column format for use on a Cuttle Cart 2.


Thanks to Thomas and therealred5, BTW! :ponder: :D

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I really have to read more of these manuals.

They are very silly.


I would love to be the guy who has to write the hyped up explanations at the beginning of these games.


Activision manuals were always the best though.

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