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Cart/label/manual variations


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Hello everyone,


I'm definitely new to the Atari 2600 world so please be gentle...


I recently purchased two boxes full of Atari 2600 "junk" that turned out to be two working systems, roughly 30 different games, a stack of manuals, and several different types of controllers. Most of the games turned out to be the garden variety carts that everyone has (according to the rarity guide on this site) but two of them turned out to be Zellers carts as far as I can tell.


The ones I have are Radar and Scuba Diver but the rarity guide doesn't list the version of Scuba Diver that I have. It's NTSC but has the label that is listed as the Taiwan Simple label.


So this brings me to my real point... How accurate is the rarity guide listed on this site? Several of the labels on the carts I have are not listed and there are a few manual variations that I have as well. Some are very slight variations while others are much more obvious. I tried emailing the site admins to see if they would like scans but got no response.


Regardless, I'm thinking about selling all of this stuff as I'm not really into Atari 2600. I may end up listing it on eBay but if someone is really interested, feel free to contact me. To be perfectly honest, I'm not really sure what all this is worth but I can figure something out based on what the stuff is going for on eBay. I can provide pictures and such to anyone who is either curious or interested in purchasing.



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